Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Cheats and Trainer for Steam


So I get this issue with infinite warfare : cheats, all cheat doesn’t work, even after downloading the file shown at top.

I haven’t read all msgs of this post, does somebody give the solution ?

When I enable cheats, game seems harder => anti cheat ?

So if somebody know how turning around this issue I’m impatient to read him :slight_smile:

Any chance this trainer can get updated, all the cheats work except infinite Health, or is there anyway to get it to work?

I’ll request it be made available to vote on but I doubt it will be updated again due to the age of the game :slightly_smiling_face:

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its something atleast, thanks though :slight_smile:

Shouldnt this be updated again, ESPECIALLY considering the age of the game? Its pretty old now and no new updates are coming, so if the creator updates it now, he will be done and over with it, instead of having a mass of outdated trainers.
Imo having 10 outdated trainers which need an update, is worth than not having a trainer for these games at all, because people will keep coming who try the trainer, only to be met with the fact that the trainer does not work.

If the dev finds time they may update it again, we’re getting ready for V6 of the WeMod app which will bring changes to the app and how some things work see more on that here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Are you sure about that? So many games people claim wouldn’t have updates then a week later and they’re updated again.

I get what you mean, by that since alot of games you do trainers for have mini updates here and there, but he is saying this is an old call of duty title, there would almost be no reason we to see an update by the devs, but who the hell knows.

The trainer is broken. Infinite health doesn’t work, the other functions still work. But there’s something interesting… if you don’t activate any cheats the game works normally like it should (health regen, enemies don’t do a lot of damage on recruit or regular difficulty, progress save through the mission) but if you activate easy kills, no reload and unlimited ammo then the enemies are killing you in 2-3 bullets, your progress doesn’t save so if you die close to the end of a mission you have to start the whole mission from the beginning again and if you get to cover to regenerate your health after being hit, that annoying heavy breathing sound effect persists even after you are fully healed + it messes up the audio during cutscenes (some random sounds are still being played after you finished the mission and watch the cinematic)


The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare cheats have been updated!


  • Unlimited Gadget cheat added
  • Updated notes

Has this game recently been getting played more? Was happy to see it on the list as i really enjoyed the campaign.

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I don’t know, but I was curious if these also affected Zombies mode, as that was my favorite mode in the game.


do they work on zombies?

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why did you take away the recoil one it worked just fine for me

I know it would crash the game in zombies

The cheats don’t seem to be working for zombies, is that just a bug or could it be updated to work for zombies aswell?

The health and the no reload not working right now :S
How do i solve it?

But at some point i remember using this on zombies and it worked… But now doesnt work anymore, is there anyway to use the mods in offline zombies?