1. Unlimited Health
2. One-Hit Kills
3. Add 1K Funds
4. Add 100 Tiberium/Ore
5. Add 100 Energy
6. Disable All Mods
7. Set Game Speed
Important Notes:
Click here to view important information about these cheats.
Load mission first, then activate mods and re-enable after each loading screen.
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
06/06/2020 Started development
06/06/2020 Released trainer with 6 cheats
06/06/2020 Set Game Speed cheat added
12/03/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements Updated notes
First, let me say thank you and great job so far! Something I notice is that despite deactivating the Unlimited Health and One Hit Kills options and then activating ‘Disable All Mods’ after each load screen, the neither option seems to take effect when selecting them again. However, the add funds, power, and ore options work wonderfully.
Any attempt to use this during Skirmish Mode will immediately cause and “error and report” crash. I’m not sure if this can be fixed yet, but its good to see it work for missions. Thank you @STiNGERR
I get to the third Soviet mission and game crashes… Trainer might not be stable?
When I use this trainer, it does work and it doesn’t work. When I press the hotkey once it doesn’t work but after a little bit it works then it stops working again and it keeps doing the same thing.
I had the same problem but have kind of fixed it now. Use Unlimited Health and One Hit Kills as usual, but when it comes up saying MISSION COMPLETE quickly disable them like normal (pressing keypad 1 and 2) and then activate Disable All Mods (Keypad 6). When the new mission starts, activate Unlimited Health and One Hit Kills as usual. Rinse and repeat every mission.
I use the trainer to start the game. The game starts but the trainer keeps loading and loading and loading… (the spinning circle around the Play button ^^)
after like 1 or 2min I get the error, that the trainer could not load the cheats and that I should try again later. When I try again, I get the error, that required files are missing and I should reinstall wemod. I fI do so, the error with not loading starts all over again.
I already un- and reinstalled the trainer and the game, no success. (and of course reboot of my PC)
Yesterday it was working fine…
other games and trainers work just fine without any issues
" Game loads libraries at runtime after missions are loaded , use mods only after a mission has started , after loading screen if any mods are on use " disable all mods " then enable again after mission is loaded " strait from stingerr
@thaclone. Try and start the game first then when you are in game alt tab out press play in wemod after , dont turn any on till you start a mission
Doesn’t work more often than it does work. Add 1k funds doesn’t work in Red Alert, and Add 100 Ore/Tiberium has worked for me only once.
One hit kills is the one that works most often, and affects both player and AI. Unlimited health probably has a 50/50 rate of working. Sometimes it will work for one mission, but then be disabled in the next mission and won’t work again unless you restart the game and the trainer.
Sometimes it will work for some units, but not others, like a mission where you need to keep engineers alive, all your infantry will be invincible, but your engineers will not be.
I have found that cheats have to be enabled at the start of each mission. Once the cutscene is done and you have battlefield control, disable the Unlimited Health option, hit Disable All Mods (even though I am not using any mods I still have to do this) then enable Unlimited Health. One way to tell for sure that it’s working is to run an infantry dude through a Tiberium field - if he doesn’t die, you’re good to go. However, your infantry can still be killed if an enemy runs them over with a tank.
I have not tried One Hit Kills - I don’t trust these. Most of the time a cheat offers one hit kills, it also applies to the computer AI.
Good call. It now works completely. Regarding the one hit kills option- it works completely and doesn’t apply it to enemies but if you are attempting to play missions to capture buildings, I would leave it disabled in case your own units blow up an essential enemy structure that you’re trying to capture.
@STiNGERR would it be possible to add options like ‘Reveal Map’?
Add 1k funds doesn’t work in Red Alert, and Add 100 Ore/Tiberium has worked for me only once.
It does work, but it’s buggy, and doesn’t work all the time.
Regarding the one hit kills option- it works completely and doesn’t apply it to enemies but if you are attempting to play missions to capture buildings, I would leave it disabled in case your own units blow up an essential enemy structure that you’re trying to capture.
In addition to this, sometimes critical buildings take damage even when miles from any damage source, and thus get destroyed. So any time you have an objective you must capture or otherwise not destroy, keep the one-hit-kill option disabled.
Anyway, hoping this gets updated so that infinite health works in Skirmish (it doesn’t), and that skirmish AI doesn’t get the one-hit-kill bonus (it does).