Command & Conquer Remastered Collection Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Crashing on both my computers when trying trainers on skirmish. Please make a fix for that.

Disable all mods doesnt work even if you do it after the mission accomplished screen, you bascially have to quit the game and reload your save and then enable mods

The unlimited health feature suddenly doesn’t work anymore in C&C Skirmish. And the Red Alert skirmish game crashes all the time a few minutes into the game.

this cheat mod does not work at all

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is there a chance to get a reveal map option added

Can you add more cheats for Command & Conquer Remastered Collection?

Game crashes when enabling WeMod cheats Is there a way to solve?

Hello @STiNGERR Big Fan, can you PLEASE also
“Create the Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection”
(Red Alert 2/Yuri’s Revenge) if you have Time, Thank you So MUCH.
-Unlimited Power
-Unlimited Resources
-Unlimited Population
-Instant Build
-Instant Cooldown
-Instant Promote Units/Troops
-Infinite Health Troops/Buildings/Walls

I figured out a quick and easy way to get the to work on every mission! The ‘disable all mods’ function is inconsistent at best. Here’s what I did and it worked every level without having the reset the game:
1 - Every time a mission starts, alt-tab back to Wemod (or use the remote app), click the button to start playing. Then play the level using mods as normal. Just avoid 6 - disable all mods.
2 - After each mission, while it’s on the map screen (works in-mission as well) Alt-tab back out to the Wemod app and stop playing. Load the level as normal and repeat with step 1.

The in game overlay doesn’t let you turn Wemod on and off altogether, so it doesn’t work for this

The game still appears to be unstable in Red Alert. This method was consistant for me in Tiberian Sun only.