Custom Xbox 360 Build Up Topic 7" Screen

Today i have started designing and working on a new Xbox 360 project. The project will be featured around a 7" inch screen, i have not decided how i want this built into the side of the case.

Not to sure on everything just yet, ill pick a theme and then can build around that, maybe an upcoming game / movie. Feel free to give me your ideas and feedback. Give me some ideas.

Put the controller next to it so you can get an idea of how big the screen is.

Some of my previous work below.

or you can take a bigger tv and but a xbox inside of it?

make a minecraft xbox!!!

You sir amaze me
so is the screen going to be IN the case or what does the screen have to do with it?

have a bigger screen, then remove the casing from the xbox, and build it around the size of the xbox, you could make it in the theme of an old styled tv e.g. do something like that, have the disk tray on the bottom just underneath the screen, just an idea. :smile:

More progress today, got a fair bit done today. Unfortunately the screen colors have changed, not showing the correct color. Have ordered a new one as a replacement, its fine though because i can now use it as a testing screen getting everything fit and ready.

Picked up a 250GB Xbox Slim for the project, got it at a great price with Kinect and a few games. Once i got it home, i think it took me around 5 minutes to get it apart and started planning my case design.

The idea. Mount the 7 Inch screen on the side of the case, i want to keep this looking original, almost like Microsoft came out with this. Most likely to re paint the case in a gloss black back to original.

How do you plan to compensate for the extra heat from the T.V? That will be like hell for your xbox.

Filled in 3 rows of the fan grill, i did not want the screen overlapping over the grill, it wont look original

Light coat of filler, you would rather do a light coat of filler then place a huge heap and spend the time sanding it back

Got the Dremel out to cut out the rough shape of the screen frame

Filling in around the frame

Starting to sand some areas. That is all the work for today, not much spare time today, got about an hours worth, but got a great start on it all.

I ran the screen for a while and did not notice any heat issues, should be fine, the Xbox 360 will vent out the warm air.

Second coat of filler, probably will need one more to fill in a few more things, around the edge of the frame, i did not like the line going around the screen so it will be filled

Primer on the other side and faceplate

Looking cool!!

Make it an ODST Drop pod style thingmabob.

Getting a lot of progress done tonight, due to an annoying wife.

Another layer of filler

Getting there now starting to get a nice even finish

Are you like a custom case god?

It’s really not hard to do this at all.

Looks great good work

I’d personally like to make an xbox 360 laptop like ben heck’s. It would be much easier to use and have abigger screen. and then I could build a keyboard into the case for sending messages. Or perhaps I’ll rgh and flash it so i can have a portable do-whatever-the-****-you-want machine. haha

But yours is coming along well! I’ve seen this done before on phat xboxes before. Not slims, though. Good luck!

you have some really great ideas…

I wish I could build at least a custom controller…but it´s hard to get the sticks/buttons/etc here… :anguished:

Im hoping to frame a tv with a miror frame and then put an xbox into a computer case

More progress today, really getting a lot done in the last 2 days

Gloss black seems a waste painting it the exact same color, but i want this to look like a stock Xbox 360 Slim like Microsoft had made it, ill make another and paint it / base it on a theme.

Wetsanding the side with the screen


Guide coat, only do this when i have some extra work with sanding, other sides did not need this

Does anyone fund your projects or do you do them out of pocket?

I think he does most if not all of his projects out of his own pocket but I could be wrong.