Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stamina
3. Unlimited RAM
4. Stealth Mode
5. Edit Max Carrying Weight
6. Set Movement Speed
7. Super Jump
8. Unlimited Double Jump
9. Defense Multiplier
10. Unlimited Items/Ammo
11. Items Won't Decrease
12. Healing Items No Cooldown
13. Grenades No Cooldown
14. Projectile Launch System No Cooldown
15. Edit Money
16. Unlimited Components
17. Unlimited Quickhack Components
18. Unlimited XP
19. XP Multiplier
20. Unlimited Street Cred
21. Street Cred Multiplier
22. Max Skill Progression
23. Skill Progression Multiplier
24. Edit Attribute Points
25. Edit Perk Points
26. Edit Relic Points
27. Edit Player Level
28. Edit Street Cred Level
29. Ignore Cyberware Capacity
30. Edit Headhunter Skill Level
31. Edit Netrunner Skill Level
32. Edit Shinobi Skill Level
33. Edit Solo Skill Level
34. Edit Engineer Skill Level
35. No Reload
36. Super Accuracy
37. No Recoil
38. One-Hit Kills
39. Damage Multiplier
40. Freeze Breach Protocol Timer
41. Freeze Daytime
42. Daytime +1 Hour
43. Set Game Speed
44. Enable Fly Mode
45. Set Fly Height
46. Set Fly Speed
Trainer Video:
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
Started development -
Released trainer with 9 cheats -
Unlimited XP cheat added
XP Multiplier cheat added
Unlimited Street Cred cheat added
Street Cred Multiplier cheat added
Max Skill Progression cheat added
Skill Progression Multiplier cheat added
Unlimited Attribute Points cheat added
Unlimited Perk Points cheat added
One-Hit Kills cheat added
Set Game Speed cheat added -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Unlimited RAM cheat added
Stealth Mode cheat added
Unlimited Components cheat added
Unlimited Quickhack Components cheat added
Damage Multiplier cheat added
Freeze Breach Protocol Timer cheat added -
Edit Max Carrying Weight cheat added
Set Movement Speed cheat added
Super Jump cheat added
Unlimited Double Jump cheat added
Edit Attribute Points cheat added
Edit Perk Points cheat added
Edit Player Level cheat added
Edit Street Cred Level cheat added -
Skills Instant Cooldown cheat added -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Defense Multiplier cheat added
Healing Items No Cooldown cheat added
Grenades No Cooldown cheat added
Freeze Daytime cheat added
Daytime +1 Hour cheat added -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Ignore Cyberware Capacity cheat added -
Edit Relic Points cheat added -
Edit Headhunter Skill Level cheat added
Edit Netrunner Skill Level cheat added
Edit Shinobi Skill Level cheat added
Edit Solo Skill Level cheat added
Edit Engineer Skill Level cheat added -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements -
Enable Fly Mode cheat added
Set Fly Height cheat added
Set Fly Speed cheat added -
Projectile Launch System No Cooldown cheat added -
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements