This is the official discussion topic of the
Daemon X Machina Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited VP
3. Unlimited Femto
4. Unlimited Stamina
5. Freeze Mission Timer
6. Unlimited Credit
7. No Reload
8. Unlimited Ammo
9. Weak AI

Trainer Video:
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
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The Daemon X Machina cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 9 cheats
Unlimited credit don’t work
Credits cheat only activates after a couple missions in, once the “shop” is unlocked. The body modifications don’t count as a shop.
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Any chance we’ll be getting unlimited missiles? Infinite normal bullets don’t really effect gameplay. No reload is good though.
Edit: It appears that SOME missiles (and some other weapon types) have unlimited ammo and others do not. I can live with that 
will it cause issues with multiplayer? Its taking me a long time to load multiplayer even with the cheats off
All is good, need “unlimited shoulder ammo” (missile,rocket,laser etc) and “add 3 slots” to equipment. Thank you man
which ones have inf ammo? thx
free crafting/develop would be nice i guess 
Question for the creator.
I know for some games like Metal Gear Survive these don’t cause an issue but Daemon X Machina has an inherently larger field for multiplayer content does this trainer not mark you down as a cheater or ban you regardless of usage in MP or not?
In any case, we need an unlock all for weapons and armour or an easy craft cheat. The weapons in the Hidden Factory just look too good, unfortunately, after 10 hours I still have no idea what it needed to make them.
spoiler alert for the hidden factory you need battle data and blueprints from the colossal immortal from the SP and the MP missions, it’s kinda hard to get just one or two it’s default drop rate 10% to increase it you need to destroy the femto cell case, it’s kinda grindy you could say. so no requirements to develop it would be helpfull
and don’t try to edit the save file, the game have some security in it if you do some editing with the save file the game won’t recognize it the next time you launch the game
hmm I guess not when an SP/MP games make save file locally on your PC the devs can’t easily ban users or mark them only through reporting the banned could happen like ace combat for example but even though we could use the cheats in the MP, respect other players that are trying to have fun
Would be nice if can have a option for drop rates also
The Unlimited Credit cheat doesn’t work.
I hope that this can be fixed.
go to the shop in the middle console where you usually go to hangar, mission, factory etc there’s a shop just above the factory and try to spend it there to get the cheats effect if you can’t find the shop there try to advance the main story. ice cream parlor and lab doesn’t count as a shop
would it be possible to do the cheat engine thing for epic where it adds three slots on all gear in inventory?
Credit cheat doesn’t work
please read before saying the credit cheat doesn’t work : try go to the shop in the middle console where you usually go to hangar, mission, factory etc there’s a shop just above the factory and try to spend it there to get the cheats effect if you can’t find the shop there try to advance the main story. ice cream parlor and lab doesn’t count as a shop
Femto, mission time freeze are not working. Also pilot’s unlimited life (F4) is also not working, not sure is it becoz of im am using Epic games instead of Steam to play the game. But i hope it can be fixed soon, thanks!