Dark Souls 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hey there! I really do like this trainer. But a few things would be nice to add! Things that make life easier like “Super Speed”, and item “giver”, flying, etc. Just a few suggestions!

i’d say everytime when i use the consumables cheat and then closing the inventory menu sorry if this is late

any chances of this trainer working with this versión? i tried everything posible to make it work.

It works. What happens?

this happens. I tried compatibility with Windows 8, run it as admin, run it as not an admin, and i dont know why it doesnt work

Use the console then see what happens

this is what shows up

Can you scroll down and show the rest of that? or just go to infinity settings and click Save log and paste the full log here

It’s the bottom. He can’t scroll down more :stuck_out_tongue:



I’ve had the same problem

My console is also showing the exact same as what Elipzo screenshot

the game crashes every 20 minutes when i use the trainer but runs fine without it

Can you all send me your log files? You can save them in Infinity’s settings page. Make sure you cause the error to happen first.

I’m lookin for how to put the trainer on offline mode, because my game is constantly freezing.

Normally you have to try it online one time then when the trainer is downloaded it shold work offline.

Does it work okey when you are online?

It works in online mode aswell! i have this problem too then i activate something other like unlimited consumables and disable it then the others like unlimited health will work properly. It also works if u just run a little around and wait then it will reactivate itself ^^ hope i could help u guys :slight_smile:

Hey! thanks for the trainer and for all of your hard work but whenever I play the game and i use unlimited health, focus points, stamina, durability, zero weight, and never cursed my game crashes after about a couple of minutes is it because i have all of those cheats active?

Nah, game’s anticheat. I will take a look soon

Is there anyway this cheat can be used online