Dark Souls 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hello, I’ve noticed this myself, and it’s pretty much annoying to see those buttons, at least when playing on the PC.

I pretty much had to take help, because, it was kind of hard to figure which was the equivalent KEYBOARD button or key, when the on-screen prompt showed up, similar to Consoles, like A, X, B/RT, LB etc.

Anyways, I don’t think a Trainer can easily change this, on the fly, as this is coded in the game files, and for this we might need to unpack/extract the equivalent game files (image or some other), and then mod it, and repack it back, similar to BinderTool.

Not fully sure, but this might need unpacking some of the .bdt, bhd, game files, IMO. Though, if this can also be implemented via any Trainer, or any other Mapping tool, then I would love this option.

Sometimes those Keyboard buttons are pretty much confusing, tbh.

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That should be something that you can change in the options

ive checked out the options and cant find any such option unfortunately, i think its kinda bad they didnt change it before they made it available on PC, ive searched on youtube n lots of forums, but cant find any way to change it. cant find any mods either, so thats why i was wondering. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, man. I can agree on that. PC games these days, are just coming out as bad/poor CONSOLE ports, with the exception of few good titles.

They could have improved and polished Dark Souls 3 a bit more though, IMO. Just started playing this game once again now, from the beginning/scratch. The graphics look good.

But, I’m not much comfortable with keyboard keys, having the Xbox/console type of button/prompt, as this breaks the immersion… :neutral_face:

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yeah i hope they do a patch for it, but wont hold my hopes up too much. too bad i cant refund it coz i bought it on g2a instead of steam xD oh well, ill wait for a mod or a patch before i play it. luckily i have the division and a couple of other games to play while i wait.

You can see the keys bindings in settings and figure out what the console key means for keyboard. Not playing the game cause of this is too extreme imo.

Capcom/Sega does it all for their games (annoyingly) but you stop noticing it after you play the game a bit.

yeah, i know its a bit extreme, but it really ruins immersion in the game for me, and immersion is what games like that is supposed to give you. :frowning: but ill probably give it another shot after getting bored of the division. :stuck_out_tongue: (got that game for free when i bought a graphics card) so ive been playing it recently.

Always drop loot is causing the trainer to crash/close for me as well

Trainer keeps crashing DS3 on steam after I downloaded the DLC. Any chance of a fix?

@ayyylmaow Can you tell which cheats stopped working?

I’ll start downloading the game.

I have the same problem - the instant I start up the trainer, CTD.

Just to let you know, I responded earlier but I don’t see it here. It happens whenever I press “start game” in the trainer. The game will stutter a bit then CTD. I’ve tried launching to game through Infinity, I’ve tried pressing “start game” on the main menu and in game every time it’s a CTD. I haven’t tried downloading earlier versions of the game to test but I’m assuming it’s to do with the DLC pre-load 1.08.

Yeah everytime I try to inject the mods starting the game, the mods always fail to inject. The game remains up and running though. I press start game and it says “uh oh… infinity failed to initialize the cheats.” I don’t have any anti virus software running either. @STN

It crashed upon boot

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Known issue. I am downloading this game right now (was busy with witcher3)

@Hey_Big_Boy @ZFM12

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my game crashes when I press “start game” why is that? I am running the game offline, is that wrong? @STN

I think the current trainer is outdated.

Hey i think all know that dark souls 3 cant inject a cheat, trainer, hack or something

to the support you can fix this problem please :smiley:

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I am downloading ds3 now (was busy with witcher 3).

i hope u can fix it i got dark souls 3 just to play on pc because i could mod it and i keeps crashing :frowning: