Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
This is the official discussion topic of the Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stamina
3. Unlimited Items
4. Unlimited Torch
5. Unlimited Shops Items
6. Unlimited Weight
7. Unlimited Spells
8. Inf.Durability
9. One-Hit Kills
11. Selected Item Quantity
12. Items Editor Weapon 1
13. Items Editor Weapon 2
14. Items Editor Armour 1
15. Items Editor Armour 2
16. Items Editor Armour 3
17. Items Editor Magic
18. Items Editor Rings
19. Items Editor Keys
20. Items Editor Consumables
21. Items Editor Non-Boss Souls
22. Items Editor Arrows and Bolts
23. Items Editor Shards and Stones
24. Items Editor Summon Stones
25. Items Editor GESTURES
26. Items Editor Boss Souls
27. Reset Last Edited Item
28. VGR
29. END
30. VIT
31. ATN
32. STR
33. DEX
34. ADP
35. INT
36. FTH

Important Notes:

Click here to view important information about these cheats.

To use item editors:

  1. Open inventory and select target item
  2. Apply desired editor changes
  3. Place item in Bonfire ItemBox
  4. Reload game to use modified item


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 06/01/2017
    Started development

  • 06/01/2017
    Released trainer with 9 cheats

  • 08/08/2019
    Unlimited Items cheat added
    Unlimited Shops Items cheat added
    Unlimited Weight cheat added
    Unlimited Spells cheat added
    Inf.Durability cheat added
    One-Hit Kills cheat added
    SOULS cheat added
    Selected Item Quantity cheat added
    Items Editor Weapon 1 cheat added
    Items Editor Weapon 2 cheat added
    Items Editor Armour 1 cheat added
    Items Editor Armour 2 cheat added
    Items Editor Armour 3 cheat added
    Items Editor Magic cheat added
    Items Editor Rings cheat added
    Items Editor Keys cheat added
    Items Editor Consumables cheat added
    Items Editor Non-Boss Souls cheat added
    Items Editor Arrows and Bolts cheat added
    Items Editor Shards and Stones cheat added
    Items Editor Summon Stones cheat added
    Items Editor GESTURES cheat added
    Items Editor Boss Souls cheat added
    Reset Last Edited Item cheat added
    VGR cheat added
    END cheat added
    VIT cheat added
    ATN cheat added
    STR cheat added
    DEX cheat added
    ADP cheat added
    INT cheat added
    FTH cheat added
    Updated notes

  • 05/17/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

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The Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 36 cheats

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Is it possible to increase souls by more than +1 without the Pro version? 1 at a time is tedious!

Thank you for the trainer.


just hold down the button

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That’s completely missing the point.
Yes, I can and did hold down the button. But at +1 every time, I literally had to rest something against the F10 button and walk away and come back later. It took over 5 minutes of holding it just to reach 10,000 souls. As I said, TEDIOUS!

Make it +100 at least.

I agree that the +1 is almost useless.

Also any instruction on how to use the item editor.

Just bind a button to increase stackable items and find a Large Soul of a Proud Knight or something. Increase the stack in your inventory and use those to increase Souls instead.

I assume using this will get you banned from multiplayer?

WeMod does not provide cheats for online gameplay nor does it condone online cheating.

In the extremely rare case that a trainer can be applied online to any game, due to oversight by the game’s developers, yes you will be banned.

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it ain’t working for me, even when i go in offline mode

What do you mean by this?

  • Trainer can’t find the game?
  • Trainer couldn’t load the cheats?
  • The trainer finds the game but the cheats turn off instantly?
  • What error messages are there?

In order to assist you, we need more information than you’ve given. The game has not been updated in a long time (early 2015 was the last update), there’s no real reason for the trainer to stop working all of the sudden.

You should only be using it offline. WeMod does not cater for nor condone online cheating.

when i went to download the trainer, it always fails to download right off the bat, so when i go to wemod to start it from there, when i click to play, it loads for a long time and then it just says it’s having trouble downloading the cheats.

Try and start the game first then when you are in game alt tab out then press the play button in wemod after game has started

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nope, same issue, nothing about it is working, a lot of games i try to run have the same issue. should i try uninstalling and reinstalling wemod?

Are you using the steam store bought version of the game ?
Not trying to use the trainers online ?

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absolutely sure

@ObsidianHail6 - Please see this recent post here: Wemod failed loading cheat into your game. :slight_smile:

i sent a response to that post, did you want me to put it here instead? and plus now it’s showing that just reinstalling wemod itself is not working, when i click on the setup, it just jumps to failed to download

so i got opera, what do i do now? the setup still does not work

hi sorry for the inconvenience, but is there a way to get more souls from the “inventory —> souls” the increase is very very slow, isn’t there a way to get more souls more quickly? like 5000 souls or more?
Thanks in advance

Any tutorials on the item editors?