Darkest Dungeon Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Welcome to the community @SweetMarble116. :slight_smile:

Please see this staff post by @Instinct above: Darkest Dungeon Cheats and Trainer for Steam.

You’ll need to be patient. The trainer developer will get around to it when they are able to. Bear in mind this is not the only game in existence. There are other things in the trainer developer’s to-do queue which were there first.

In the meantime, there are plenty of free games shared in the community for you to grab while waiting for updates: Deals & Giveaways - WeMod Community

I’d love a tag too, if it’s not too much trouble.

Hi @Instinct would love to be tagged in as well

Strongly the update that I can return to my game without the stress …

Im trying to use your cheat sheet, but my anti-virus has quarantined it and says that it is a Trojan virus, I have no other issue with any of the other games that I run through wemod, it seems to only happen with your trainer, do you have any idea why?

Welcome to the community @PizzaReaper. :slight_smile:

Which antivirus program do you use?
This is just a false positive. It may be triggered due to WeMod’s own security which just prevents WeMod’s trainers from being stolen by malicious or shady third parties.

Adding WeMod and the affected file as an exception in your antivirus program should hopefully resolve this.
If not, then give this possible solution, shared by WeMod’s lead developer in another thread:

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Very very good! Back up and running! Thank you Mr. STINGERR i presume.

I couldn’t agree more. Isn’t that why we are all here? Good stuff I say!

please tag me as well. was wondering why the game closes when i play wit the cheat activated ;(

It was actually updated but by a different creator, the new trainer can be found here :slightly_smiling_face: