This is the official discussion topic of the Dead Cells Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Click here to view important information about these cheats.
Activate mods after entering game world.
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
06/21/2017 Started development
06/21/2017 Released trainer with 5 cheats
09/01/2017 Unlimited Health cheat added
02/20/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/21/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/22/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/26/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
06/12/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
09/02/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/31/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
I’m not sure if it is only me at the moment, but as i have the unlimited health loaded, it seems like might be also affecting the bosses health. as for smaller enemies nothing yet, i’m continuing off an old save file, but I’m not sure if that honestly has to do with anything. I’ll boot up another save file just to be on the sure side, but this is the only issue I have found currently.
Edit: So upon loading a new file, I’ve come to find that the unlimited health affects both elites and bosses health. everything else works correctly.
Edit 2: Decided to play around, if you damage any boss or elite after the first few initial attacks, with unlim health activated, deactivate, then attack again followed by reactivating unlim health, the cheat works correctly, giving the player unlim health but not the elites or bosses. sometimes it works sometimes it does not.
I am currently playing on The Pimp my Run update and I ran into 2 issues. Not only does unlimited hp just not work, but a more minor issue is that the stage’s spikes that shoot out will also have unlimited cooldown. So instead of dashing through the occasional spike that shoots out, it creates an infinite wall of spikes being shot out so you instant die once touching. Please fix, otherwise though I LOVE the Trainer you created. Keep it up.
The trainer was made for the steam version of the game. Probably need to vote for an origin version trainer.
Or if it’s just the 64 bit error then you can try and start the game first then when game is running alt tab out then press play in wemod if you are using steam version
I love this trainer. Only thing i miss is a cheat against curses because they can still kill you. I dont know if its possible as i think that the one-hit death is not damage based but id love if you could find out a way.
And yeah like everyone is saying gold is not working.
april 23rd, I found that infinite gold still not working, and today double jump also not working… I’ve tried several times for the double jump and its not working, just like the gold…
and also, thankyou for your amazing work… me and other player are looking for further fix for deadcell
1.7.2 version is out for a while. Another update is coming soon. Unlimited Gold still isn’t working. Please help us : (. Unlimited gold is the only cheat that actually makes the game easier to play but still keep the integrity up lol.