Dead Island 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Dead Island 2
This is the official discussion topic of the Dead Island 2 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. God Mode/Ignore Hits
2. Unlimited Health
3. Unlimited Stamina
4. Unlimited Weapon Durability
5. Stealth Mode
6. Max Fury Gauge
7. Unlimited Fury Mode Duration
8. Edit Money
9. Unlimited Consumables & Parts
10. Items Don't Decrease
11. No Crafting Requirements
12. Set Player Speed
13. Set Movement Speed
14. Defense Multiplier
15. Unlimited Exp
16. Exp Multiplier
17. Unlimited Ammo
18. No Reload
19. Super Accuracy
20. No Recoil
21. Instant Curveball Cooldown
22. Super Stamina Damage
23. Stamina Damage Multiplier
24. One-Hit Kills
25. Damage Multiplier
26. Set Game Speed


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 04/22/2024
    Started development

  • 04/22/2024
    Released trainer with 26 cheats

  • 10/28/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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The Dead Island 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 26 cheats

thank you

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Thanks Fling your mods are the best <3


The Damage Multiplier does not work correctly, It works a bit, but the numbers in the setting are not what you get in game. Even setting the multiplier to 100, the damage is only like 4x in game.

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Oddly enough, it seems to work as expected for other types of damage aside from your normal attacks, like if you throw a water can at someone it will do the expected amount of damage with the multiplier (I set the mult to 100 and the throw did like 88k damage). This seems to indicate to me that there is some other variable that’s limiting the weapon damage done which is used in addition to the base “damage” type stat that is getting properly boosted by the multiplier.

Thank you for the mods, but the game keeps crashing when I try to play with them. Is there any way I can fix it?

Hi there! Where did you buy the game from? Also, when does it crash? Is it right after you turn on the mods?

I bought the Steam version. Everytime I turn on the mods after loading the game, it instantly crashes. Can you please tell me what to do?

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Can you try to verify steam game files, then launch the game? Wait until the game starts, move around for a bit, then switch to the WeMod app. Select the trainer for Steam, and click Play.

Just a heads up, the game is currently in line for testing. The game released a small update, which might’ve affected the trainer. If the trainer is proven not working, it will be added to the queue that needs updating.

Zombies are apparently scaling to your level-1, but weapon damage does not. It makes the exp cheat actively detrimental.

i have tried this, some things are working but the money cheat is being weird. right now im stuck at - 99999 and no matter how many times i try to change the amount or anything it never changes so i cant craft or buy upgrades or anything else because its making it look like im in negative money

The infinite health, weapon duration and sneak cheats are working after the latest Steam update.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. The trainer is already in the queue for testing.

will this game be on xbox

It’s on Xbox gamepass but only playable on the console. They didn’t release it on PC. :no_mouth:

Does this work in multiplayer? If yes, then only as a host or also when you joining someone? Is there a risk of being banned?

The game crashes when using mods (steam)

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WeMod does not, never has, and never will provide tools for cheating in multiplayer game modes.

  • Trainers work by injecting code into memory addresses that the game is running from in your PC’s RAM.
  • Multiplayer sessions are running from a server hundreds or thousands of miles away from you, hence no memory addresses for a trainer to inject into.
  • In order to cheat in multiplayer, you need hacks, not trainers. And hacks are illegal.

And yes, attempting to cheat online can result in a ban from the game, or at the very least a shadow ban.

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Money keeps going into the negative with cheat on.

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