Dead Island Mod Tool's

Already posted… but thanks I guess.

Its not, i already searched the forums for this on here and came across a v1.2 or something so i thought i would stay with the thread and keep updating it unlike what everyone else does by just leaving it after posting + you only need to mod the game save its self no need to extract which the other thread with the tool does not do

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Nice, it’s a good thing he(Jappi88) is keeping it updated continously. Good on you for the posting.

any one having problems maxing out the ammo for the shotguns and pistols? so far the only firearms i have been able to max out ammo on are the magnums the single shot rifle and the auto rifle. i have even equiped only 1 firearm at a time and tried to max it but no dice. same goes with the deodbomb and incendiary grenades.

Post me your save and ill help you out mate

Does anyone has found the “Offset” to increase the inventory space?

You can do it in the iso mod dev menu but i havent found a offset yet m8 sorry but ill post it when i do find or if some1 else finds it before me im sure theyll post it

The 1.8 version is out now, just posting so that SmallZzy can update the topic with the DL link.

v1.8 - MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

If you want to post links go make your own thread

what’s new in 1.8? Looks really nice now.
I don’t like how you have to get the item first before you can max it out… :anguished:

Is there any way to hex edit/mod your skill points? Or weapons?

I can mod what you want in the dev menu m8 if you want

i cant open this file it says its a GPD. file and i cant open it i used winrar and still cant open it is there a gpd file opener i can u se maybe please help

Its not a GPD. editor its a save game editor

how do i open it then? sorry im kinda a n00b

Use horizon to get your save from your memory unit, extract it to desktop, open dead island mod click the open button or drag and drop, edit your save, save it, inject into your memory unit then play the game

Looks like a really advanced creation you have there. :smile:
I’m actually considering going out to the store in an hour or something and purchasing Dead Island. I’ll more than likely be using this as soon as possible. Well done SmallZzy.

i cant open the dead island mod though

This doesn’t work for me.Every time I try to load the save on my console it says corrupted.I rehash and save it so that cannot be the problem

Just incase you talk to the guy who does this editor - Engine Parts and Lemon Juice are two items I can’t mod with the editor. Unless i’m blind.

Edit: And Grenades

Edit Edit: Grenades are modable. Nvm. I’m blind.