Death Stranding Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games

I think it’s even more than half of the them…

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Hiya, it appears whenever I activate the Unlimited materials cheat it gives a error popup and once I close out of it the cheat gets deactivated but the game doesn’t crash. Here’s the crash log:

Thu Aug 04 2022

An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread ‘Unknown’ at instruction location 000000011000C970h

Base: 0x00007FF76B290000

CallStack : 1799143533

  1. 0x0008623A2E9E ntdll.dll, 0x8D632E9E
  2. 0xFFFF800AE4D7C970 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000C970
  3. 0xFFFF800AE4D7CA79 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000CA79
  4. 0xFFFF800AE4D7CBA3 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000CBA3
  5. 0xFFFF800AE4D7BC3B CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000BC3B
  6. 0xFFFF800AE4D78C50 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10008C50
  7. 0xFFFF800AE4D7A999 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000A999
  8. 0xFFFF800AE4DB4722 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10044722
  9. 0xFFFF800AE4D81057 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10011057
  10. 0x0008623A3F2F ntdll.dll, 0x8D633F2F
  11. 0x0008623203D4 ntdll.dll, 0x8D5B03D4
  12. 0xFFFF800AE4D8099C CELib_x64.dll, 0x1001099C
  13. 0xFFFF800AE4DB5665 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10045665
  14. 0xFFFF800AE4DB738A CELib_x64.dll, 0x1004738A
  15. 0xFFFF800AE4DBC88C CELib_x64.dll, 0x1004C88C
  16. 0xFFFF800AE4DB77C4 CELib_x64.dll, 0x100477C4
  17. 0xFFFF800AE4DA6C5A CELib_x64.dll, 0x10036C5A
  18. 0xFFFF800AE4DA896A CELib_x64.dll, 0x1003896A
  19. 0xFFFF800AE4D71A76 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10001A76
  20. 0x000813D676D0 TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3EFF76D0
  21. 0x000807EB4742 Trainer_35287_888a7ab692.dll, 0x33144742
  22. 0x000807EB1BE8 Trainer_35287_888a7ab692.dll, 0x33141BE8
  23. 0x000813D766FD TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3F0066FD
  24. 0x000813D7D8D5 TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3F00D8D5
  25. 0x000813D7DA7C TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3F00DA7C
  26. 0x0008601626BD KERNEL32.DLL, 0x8B3F26BD
  27. 0x00086235DFB8 ntdll.dll, 0x8D5EDFB8

RAX = 4bb23758 RBX = 4bb23758 RCX = 10098160 RDX = 0 RSI = 4baa37e2 RDI = b00
R8 = 23b9da70 R9 = 4bb23750 R10 = 10000000 R11 = 100000 R12 = 1 R13 = 45665
R14 = 23b9e200 R15 = 23b9e270 RIP = 1000c970 RSP = 23b9d9b0 RBP = 23b9daf0 EFL = 10206

  1. 0x7FF76CAF166E DeathStranding.exe, 0x6CAF166E
  2. 0x7FF76CAF3572 DeathStranding.exe, 0x6CAF3572
  3. 0x7FF76CAF3876 DeathStranding.exe, 0x6CAF3876
  4. 0x7FFE8D607B0A ntdll.dll, 0x8D607B0A
  5. 0x7FFE8D5AE8C2 ntdll.dll, 0x8D5AE8C2
  6. 0x7FFE8D632E9E ntdll.dll, 0x8D632E9E
  7. 0x00011000C970 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000C970
  8. 0x00011000CA79 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000CA79
  9. 0x00011000CBA3 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000CBA3
  10. 0x00011000BC3B CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000BC3B
  11. 0x000110008C50 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10008C50
  12. 0x00011000A999 CELib_x64.dll, 0x1000A999
  13. 0x000110044722 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10044722
  14. 0x000110011057 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10011057
  15. 0x7FFE8D633F2F ntdll.dll, 0x8D633F2F
  16. 0x7FFE8D5B03D4 ntdll.dll, 0x8D5B03D4
  17. 0x00011001099C CELib_x64.dll, 0x1001099C
  18. 0x000110045665 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10045665
  19. 0x00011004738A CELib_x64.dll, 0x1004738A
  20. 0x00011004C88C CELib_x64.dll, 0x1004C88C
  21. 0x0001100477C4 CELib_x64.dll, 0x100477C4
  22. 0x000110036C5A CELib_x64.dll, 0x10036C5A
  23. 0x00011003896A CELib_x64.dll, 0x1003896A
  24. 0x000110001A76 CELib_x64.dll, 0x10001A76
  25. 0x7FFE3EFF76D0 TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3EFF76D0
  26. 0x7FFE33144742 Trainer_35287_888a7ab692.dll, 0x33144742
  27. 0x7FFE33141BE8 Trainer_35287_888a7ab692.dll, 0x33141BE8
  28. 0x7FFE3F0066FD TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3F0066FD
  29. 0x7FFE3F00D8D5 TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3F00D8D5
  30. 0x7FFE3F00DA7C TrainerLib_x64.dll, 0x3F00DA7C
  31. 0x7FFE8B3F26BD KERNEL32.DLL, 0x8B3F26BD
  32. 0x7FFE8D5EDFB8 ntdll.dll, 0x8D5EDFB8

(epic games btw)

I have chiral crystals set to 0 and I can’t recycle the chiral crystals after gathering them without cheats making it impossible to complete the mission

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its delivery 8

I’m not making demands, but I think the trainer needs updated for the Epic version at least: I got the game for free, so there may be a version mismatch. All of the cheats I’ve tried so far have only bogged down my FPS, and none of the cheats I’ve tried so far work.


Hi there - I seem to be having a few probs with this cheat for Death Stranding - Health and stamina, baby stress, falling, undetected, cargo damage, unlimited items/materials etc - all do not seem to be working for me - the mod takes ages to load, and I still die, fall over, baby still gets stressed, I still get detected, cargo gets damaged and destroyed etc etc. Not sure what the issue is, or if they’ve had updates since this mod was made, but it was as if it wasn’t even on when I played with it last night - I have this Mule camp that is over run with bad guys I wanted to sneak into, to recover lost cargo - i just kept getting wasted and dying. Do you have any idea what could be wrong? Am I doing something wrong maybe?
Look forward to hearing from you - cheers! Keep up the good work! Love your mods!

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Unkown if this is an issue with Epic Games version of Death Stranding or if it is on my end but the mods do not even let me hit play on them for this game but works with everything else. It just tells me to allow Wemod past my firewall/anti-virus which it is already.

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Agree with all of the above.

EPIC version is mostly non functional & often crashes the game.

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Tip for the new Epic-Players: Go to History and use the version from 12/30/202 which works (except teleportation).


I don’t get whats wrong, I have it running perfectly fine

nevermind, i spoke too soon

Oh nice it did need updating! take your time man thanks for making these mods.


I came back to acknowledge the same! Thanks, team! Thanks for all your hard work!

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that helped, thanks

The Death Stranding cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Thx for the fast Update ^.^

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Everything works (/^▽^)/

Your team really does do an amazing job, and I personally appreciate how quickly you update your trainers. Thanks again!


Thank you very much indeed!!!

thanks for the update but please can we have it so the exo-legs can have infinite battery as well?