Dishonored 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Problem with this is that there’s an existing Steam/Xbox version already.

So how would one express interest in a non-existent GoG version?

Hi, you can see this under Mod settings. then, please proceed to the notify me button, as noted above to show your interest.

Today steam has been rolled update version 1.77.10
No idea what’s inside. Looking for changelog, but can nothing find.
Only Dishonored2.exe was updated. Can you please update trainer?)

As far as I can figure out, the only thing that was changed were language depots/files (ie, translations): IMO that shouldn’t affect the trainer. Have you tried it with the new update?

I played only with two options:
F3 - ammo
F8 - inviz
Both of them now don’t work.

Yeah, nothing works now, unfortunately

It’s currently in the WeMod update queue. You can see this by clicking “Upcoming” (on the left-hand side) and then “Needs Update” in the WeMod desktop software. :slight_smile:


It’s been in the update queue for a few days now, is it one of those things where it’ll be updated when it’s updated or is there a timeline for when it’ll be updated. Thanks.

will it just be updates or will there added cheats?

Hello! @MacGruber.

At the time of your post, the game has only been in the queue for two working days.

  • It was added to the queue on Friday 10th.
  • The 11th and 12th were a weekend. The weekends are not working days.
  • Today is Monday 13th, which is only the second working day the game was in the queue.

WeMod does not give estimated timeframes for trainer updates, other than the queue in the WeMod desktop software.

Bear in mind that this is also an older game that does not have as much active players at WeMod as other, more recent games. It’ll get updated as soon as humanly possible, based on the update queue, which is influenced by Pro members and their boosts.

That’ll be a question for the developer who will be taking over the trainer from its inactive creator. :slight_smile:

Rgr. Thanks for letting me know. Wasn’t tracking mods are only updated during the week. Also, good to know the mod creator is now inactive.

OOOOOOh then i hope we be lucky because there some sertting this ddint have to i had to use use two cheat engies at ones and that was hard for my poor computer XD

The Dishonored 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Infinite Health cheat added
  • Infinite Mana cheat added
  • Unlimited Oxygen cheat added
  • Infinite Health Potions cheat added
  • Infinite Mana Potions cheat added
  • Infinite Runes cheat added
  • Set Coins cheat added
  • No Reload cheat added
  • Infinite Ammo cheat added
  • One-Hit Kills cheat added
  • Set Extra Jump Height cheat added

Many thanks!
Extremely rapid response as for old game!

Unfortunately my doesn’t work still :frowning:

Do I need Pro option to make these cheats to work?

The cheats themselves are working fine for me, but anytime I reload a save with the trainer active (through WeMod) it crashes to desktop. Without the trainer the game works fine, so it’s not my pc or the game. I get no errors codes either.

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Everything works, but as others have said, it crashes randomly and sends me to desktop. Not a big deal. Usually crashes right before a major cutscene, a new mission, or if i reload the save too many times.

Hey glad this got an update, it’s not working for me though.

Cheats aren’t working and getting lots of crashes pretty immediately after starting up the game. Hope this gets a little more stable.

Hey! Can you disable the overlay by clicking the slider at the top right corner of the trainer, restart both game and wemod app, then check if issue persists?

Thanks for getting back to me, still not getting any cheats to work.

I went ahead and reinstalled both the game and WeMod, as well as disabled the WeMod overlay. I think I may be getting fewer crashes with the trainer running after doing the clean install with no overlay, but none of the cheats are having any effect.