Dragon's Dogma 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Dragons Dogma 2
This is the official discussion topic of the Dragon's Dogma 2 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Infinite Health
2. Clear Loss Gauge
3. Infinite Stamina
4. Edit Max Encumbrance
5. Edit Gold
6. Edit Player Level
7. Edit Player Exp
8. Edit Player Total DCP
9. Edit Player Current Vocation DCP (Rank)
10. Edit Player All Vocation DCP (Rank)
11. Edit Player Max Health
12. Edit Player Max Stamina
13. Edit Player Base Strength
14. Edit Player Base Defense
15. Edit Player Base Magick
16. Edit Player Base Magick Defense
17. Edit Player Base Knockdown Power
18. Edit Main Pawn Level
19. Edit Main Pawn Exp
20. Edit Main Pawn Total DCP
21. Edit Main Pawn Current Vocation DCP (Rank)
22. Edit Main Pawn All Vocation DCP (Rank)
23. Edit Main Pawn Max Health
24. Edit Main Pawn Max Stamina
25. Edit Main Pawn Base Strength
26. Edit Main Pawn Base Defense
27. Edit Main Pawn Base Magick
28. Edit Main Pawn Base Magick Defense
29. Edit Main Pawn Base Knockdown Power
30. Edit Main Pawn Max Encumbrance
31. Freeze Daytime
32. Daytime +1 Hour
33. Daytime -1 Hour
34. Set Game Speed


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 03/22/2024
    Started development

  • 03/22/2024
    Released trainer with 16 cheats

  • 03/23/2024
    Edit Player Total DCP cheat added
    Edit Player Vocation DCP (Rank) cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Level cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Exp cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Total DCP cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Vocation DCP (Rank) cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Max Health cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Max Stamina cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Base Strength cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Base Defense cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Base Magick cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Base Magick Defense cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Base Knockdown Power cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Max Encumbrance cheat added
    Freeze Daytime cheat added
    Daytime +1 Hour cheat added
    Daytime -1 Hour cheat added

  • 04/02/2024
    Edit Player Current Vocation DCP (Rank) cheat added
    Edit Player All Vocation DCP (Rank) cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn Current Vocation DCP (Rank) cheat added
    Edit Main Pawn All Vocation DCP (Rank) cheat added

  • 06/28/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 09/17/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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Will the update come out?

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Fling you are the goat, salute to you ! :saluting_face:

Unfortunately the game has an anti-cheat system, I’m curious as to how this should be working with WeMod.

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been waiting on this one , thanks fling

The Dragon’s Dogma 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 16 cheats


Okay. The problem was on my end, an untested performance mod. The trainer works fine. Thanks for your efforts!

Could you clarify what you mean by “player experiences?” I’m having trouble properly testing out the trainer without proper knowledge.

EDIT: Nvm, I figured it out. Apologies.

Dunno what type of anticheat they have I’m using wemod and cheat engine just fine. Still getting my pawn rented and everything. Only thing I’ve ran into is not being able to edit RC. Just need to figure out how to change item amount and we’re good

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Please add the cheat for rift crystals


Pretty sure they’re server side. Even if you were able to edit them offline first thing you go online they’ll update. I was able to change mine for a milisecond with cheat engine. They’re selling them as microtransactions so I doubt it’ll be possible.

I’m curious for those of you that used the the edit player level and/or player Exp - is the max level still 200 like it was in the first game? Reason I ask is that in the Rift Stone you can search for Pawns of level 999 which seemed out of place.

This amazing the game is bare out, kuddos.
May i suggest to see if tehre is a way to make ferrystones doesnt get spend when used please, thatnwould be awesome.
thanks again

@AkonnWalker I’m doubting such a thing, if possible, would sit well with CAPCOM as it’s a for-sale item on their marketplace. If it isn’t verified server-side, I would be surprised.

hope will have edit items cheat


Define “edit”

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i used wemod like its supposed to but i still got stuck in wemod saying loading mods what should I do?

Hey so im having trouble. Im on a lenovo legion go amd currently have really bad wifi. Wemod is stuck on forever loading screen. Its good with my firewall. What problem am i having?

max lvl is 999