This is the official discussion topic of the Fallout 4 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited AP
3. No Radioactivity
4. Freeze Settlement Size
5. Super Speed
6. Unlimited Weight
7. Unlimited Bottle Caps
8. Unbreakable Pins
9. Unlimited Attribute Points
10. Mega Exp
11. Unlimited Ammo
12. No Reload
13. No Recoil
14. Easy Terminal Hack
15. Free Crafting
16. Fly Mode
Trainer Video:
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
03/16/2017 Started development
03/16/2017 Released trainer with 13 cheats
06/01/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
11/20/2017 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
01/04/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
01/05/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
01/08/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/18/2018 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
07/13/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
08/07/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
08/09/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Sounds like either a game problem, or a computer problem if you’ve been playing a few hours. It’s definitely not a WeMod problem, or a trainer issue.
I can not seem to get #15 working the free crafting. what exactly does it do?
I am trying to use it on crafting items that I do not have the materials and/or skills to craft.
or does it just not take your supplies on the stuff you can craft already?
I get the cheat activated sound and i have tried before going into crafting and while in the craft menu.
also are there any known mods that would make this one particularly not work? i have a mod or two that adds recipes for food items but nothing that i can think of that would make the trainer not work!
i cant seem to get the “fly” feature to work. i activate it, and i can launch myself in the air, but if i try and move i just come crashing to the ground, or just kinda jerk around in the air. am i missing something?
Anyway, I’m guessing you meant crashes.
Does it crash even without WeMod running?
Does your machine meet the minimum specs to run this incredibly heavy-on-specs game?
90% of game crashes are due to the player’s hardware not being able to cope with the software.
After many and many test, i have found how the game crash, everytime when we setup like that : Unlimited items on, Free crafting on, and when i click “recycle” on a Workbench (weapons or cloths) the game immediatly crash.
If this can help you Btw thx for this crazy cheats <3