Far Cry 6 Cheats and Trainer

Pretty sure fall damage is a scripted event, so vehicle damage could be the same. Is your character dying from vehicles?

If it is a scripted event, then I’m afraid the unlimited health won’t work for that.

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If i get hit by a car, i die. How can you tell if it’s a scripted event? I know before one of the updates in late october, fall damage didnt kill you (IE, free falling without pulling your chute).

Also, thanks for the reply!

Scripted events typically have the same animation or one of a couple it will cycle each time that event happens, but it is scripted in such a way that you always take a set amount of damage each time, or you simply just die (basically a OHK effect). Ubisoft is notorious for utilizing scripted deaths in their games, partially to make them more brutal and impactful, partially to combat cheating by OHK’ing you in a scripted event that cheating infinite health (for example) cannot defend again. You’re scripted to simply die in that scenario (hit by a truck, fully mauled by a large predator, fall from a height a human is unlikely to survive from… or at least get up and carry on from) and there is no way to avoid it… except by simply avoiding it.

Far Cry 6 seems to contain more of these than previous Far Cry entries, like… a lot more of them. Falling from death height is one of those scripted events now, as is getting hit by a vehicle barreling down the road, as are several animal attacks. It also seems with each title update, they add more OHK or instant damage scenarios to the scripted event list. Using Infinite Health is about only good for gun fights and explosions with any certainty. I don’t even attempt to drop down or jump from any large height unless I know there is water below since I’ve noticed Dani takes damage (even with Inf Health activated) even from a second-story fall.

Ubisoft games are becoming increasingly difficult to use a trainer for, even older ones. They’ve started adding their anti-cheat software to older titles that previously didn’t really have it, or had it but only utilized it for online play - now their EasyCheat is active even in offline modes. Ghost Recon Wildlands you have to use a bypass file to trick the game into ignoring the trainer, well, you used to do that… even that doesn’t seem to affect the trainer anymore as Ubisoft Connect appears to constantly be monitoring the game’s code in the memory and fixing issues as they pop up… I think… I can’t be certain even when I monitor my own memory during play :man_shrugging:

In any case, even if a trainer gets updated, Ubisoft background patches games all the time, so a trainer might work this morning and become completely useless by this afternoon… Ubisoft games are a gambit now with WeMod… from my own personal experience at least.

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@FLiNG Far Cry was just updated on Ubisoft and now the trainer is Non Compatible

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It works fine. It just tells you that the versions are different and asks you if you want to still use it. If you say yes, it works fine.

Hoping this gets unlimited Vaas cash for the DLC

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same with me

Same. Or a multiplier.

Can you please add a cheat that makes the PG-240X always stays cool? I love the special operations but hate having to constantly look for water sources while fighting hordes of enemies.

is it possible to add a moneda cheat also?

This is a workaround, but I use the “Set Player Speed” option to 16 and enable Stealth Mode. You will be able to run across the map super fast and finish the PG-240X games real quick and don’t have to worry about water sources. Do this until you get the highest master level possible then just farm it using this method to get lots of Moneda.

that’s impossible because the moneda value is stored online.

yeah but that’s only good if you want to just speed through everything. I actually enjoy doing some of the operations and want to play the enemies normally, but hate that I need to take care of the ticking bomb at the same time.

is there any way to add a no fall damage and blast damage? Thanks so much

Patch Today (07 DEC 2021) and ‘Unlimited Ammo’ no longer enables.
Everything else appears to activate.

Set Player Speed
Set Player Jump Height
Unlimited Pesos
Peso Multiplier
Unlimited Uranium
Uranium Multiplier
Unlimited Materials
Unlimited Camp Resources
Pick Up Items Multiplier
Unlimited EXP
EXP multiplier
One Hit vehicles
Set Game Speed

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Don’t know where to post this but on Far Cry 6 Epic Games the Unlimited Ammo doesn’t work anymore it just turns off after activating.

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I posted that a few hours prior to yours.

No Reload seemingly performs the same function. My bullets were always at ‘99’ for the gun and never reduced.

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No more fall damage with the latest game update! Huzzah!

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Trainer needs Updating after latest patch…thanks guys! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys…i see you have already updated…yay! :smiley: