could you add this as note behind the cheat? i thought it was broken too.
is there a way to make the companions health higher? perhaps freeze the “bleed out” timer?
big sad god mode stopped working for me
God mode is swithing off when you retake outposts and two options is mising infinite throwing items and infinite rockets so you won’t shoot too long from a helicopter
Yeah, I’ve been experiencing the same thing. Not sure if it turns off or what but it never reactivates when I turn it off then back on again.
а можете ссылочку дать на трейнер а то я не могу найти трейнер на Far cry new dawn
Hey guys,
First off, thanks for all your hard work on these mods and Stingerr, awesome job on Far Cry New Dawn! I know it depends on how many people are inquiring about a mod for it to kick into an update request, but I was wondering if you could add the teleport to Waypoint. I see it was inquired about a few times in the post history and just wondered why it didn’t make the cut the first go around. Thanks again guys for everything!
Great work on the cheats STiNGERR, I’m playing on PC and since the last wemod update all the GFH’s NPC and bad guys are stuck in a reloading cycle. It does make the game easy as no one shoots at me because they’re too busy reloading endlessly.
I’ve tested this by turning wemod off and everything is normal, turn wemod back on and the endless reloading resumes Thanks for any advice, cheers
Please update the cheats on this game.
they are not working.
I think the Teleport Cheat isn’t working. Or maybe I’m using it wrong. I go to map, right-click to choose a location, hit save location, then hit teleport. Nothing happens. Can you check this? I’m using Steam, btw.
From what I know, you must be at a location to save it, and once you have saved it, you can teleport to it.
Unlimited health doesnt work. You get killed easily when you fall.
Unlimited Health does not prevent deaths from scripted events such as falling.
Falling isnt scripted. Actually, it turns out the unlimited health does work but you have to use your health recovery at the beginning of the level for it to work correctly.
Good Afternoon. I am having issues with these mods and I think its due to the fact that I am playing through Xbox pc game pass as this has know been added there. I have tried closing down Xbox app and launching through Ubisoft client but none of the cheats work nor does the overlay. The cheats turn on but the game does not react. Can you please explain if it is something I am doing incorrectly or is it just in need of an update now its recently been added to Xbox game pass.
I’m having the same problem.
I am also playing through pc Xbox Gamepass but i am not experiencing these issues
an Infinite Fury Time would be great to add to the cheats
@Zombot226 - Strange, as I think most UBISOFT games are experiencing mod issues at the moment due to a recent update to the Ubisoft launcher. I am currently installing Tom Clancy’s Wildlands and have already noticed that this issue is mentioned there as well, but I can’t test it yet since it’s still downloading.
@CharmingGamer326 - I haven’t found much information, just that the Ubisoft launcher received a new update and Ubisoft games are having issues with mods (I’ve only checked here and Tom Clancy’s Wildlands, though).
It keeps saying this was meant for the 64-bit version of the game an I’m running the 32 bit version. I’m confusedd
Hey! Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY
on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.