Many people would welcome the cheats working in manager mode, as it has worked in the past for previous fifa games. Can you update the trainer accordingly?
The FIFA 22 cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 9 cheats
Hi, still in manager mode not working , can you please update it?
Are you referring to career manager mode?
Another helpful tip for anyone having trouble, you have to start Steam and Origin first before starting WeMod. Hit play within WeMod, start the game fromt he Fifa Launcher, and once you see the actual game start, then start activating the cheats. At least from my own experience, if i dont start the programs in this order, some of the cheats will tick off when trying to activate them.
Thank You
No im reffering to the manager mode when you manage a team, in previous mrantifun trainer for previous fifas the training worked for manager mode too
hi, will any update happen anytime soon? i mean specially the team manager mode training option like in the previous FIFAs
pam pam pam pam…team career mode please, please
@horadam99 So in My Career Mode where you play as a manager, 1 training cheat works, and 1 does not (Verified myself 5 December 2021). I got the ‘Super Training Score’ to work on both a new and existing playthrough, however, the ‘Training Simulation Perfect Score’ I can’t get to work on any mode it does not matter if it’s new or existing. Here’s how I tested and verified that it worked.
- Start Fifa 22 from Steam, press play, load your preferences, and you should see the main menu
- Open WeMod, navigate to FIFA 22, press play. Let it load until you see ‘Playing’
- Enable the cheat you want, in this case, Super Training Score. I believe by default the hotkey is F5
- Load your My Career or start a new one, and you should see when you go into training the score is maxed out.
I hope this helps
Well it seems we dont understand each other
As you can see the trainings not getting A although i have the ceahts activated
can you please update or add this feature?
I am disconnected when i activate the cheat during the match on fifa 22 fut ?
Why do I get disconnected?
it’s the first time I use it, I think the game automatically detects the cheat, what’s athe solution please ?
Are you in an online match?
yes in division rivals and Draft
That’s your problem then. WeMod trainers are designed for single player/offline only
ok thanks for your reply
any update soon?
update mr.antifun for this the manager mode? …you know the trainings…please please
CAn you please update the trainer with the option for manager mode trainings get a+ score? in the previous fifas this worked well, thanks in advance
any updates?
still waitin my man