Gears 5 Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

You only have to run the EACbypass.exe before launching Gears 5 from the Windows Store. Keep in mind you will have to launch it each time you play the game.

The Gears 5 .exe is located here:

I confirm that Gears5_EACbypass.exe happens not to close itself when I open gears5 from the start menu but there is a workaround. Just run Gears 5 as administrator.

Ciao a tutti chiedo scusa se vi disturbo una domanda, Se per caso il gioco è con la crack no funziona nulla?

Dico questo perché prima di comprarmi un gioco lo uso prima scaricando con la crack poi lo compro è devo dire fino adesso funzionava i trucchi sopra tutto uso il trainer MrAntiFun quano no va bene che si blocca il gioco uso wemod ma adesso no capisco con il gioco crack l’anti-chat non è installata ma il trainer no va potreste aiutarmi per cortesia grazie.

Please use English here so we can help you better. Thanks.
Looks like you mite have a cracked game ?
Need to get the retail version probably wont work for cracked game

Ha ok grazie scusami se no parlo inglese io no lo parlo sono italiano in italia no parliamo inglese scusa

Hello. I’ve tried several variations of trying to get it working however the bypass will not close. Ran Gears directly from Windows Store, tried running as admin, terminated Gears and all it’s processes entirely and definitely did have the bypass running prior to launching the game manually. Any ideas?

I can’t access the windows apps folder for some reason windows won’t let me

The folder is protected. You need to give yourself access to it.


Sadly doesnt work for private match escape or horde. Still fine for SP tho, even after the update.

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Well it was made to only work for singleplayer not private or horde mode


i can under stand if you wanna hack in campaign but online? just get better

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I got an error after loading the Gears5_EACbypass and loading the game from steam.
Basically I load the bypass -> then load the game from steam -> then i get this windows error “Ordinal not found” "The ordinal 4698 could not be located in dynamic link Corporation/NvContainer/poco.dll

Any help would be appreciated

The Gears 5 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

It does not work when you start the game on Steam the Gears5_EACbypass.exe window does not close and the mod cannot be used
I have done what you say and the trainer does not work.

I’ve tried everything in this post. The bypass closes but WeMod can’t find game to activate cheats. I have Gears 5 through game pass but that shouldn’t matter. I played the mods just fine when the game first came out, now nothing. :frowning:

Perhaps can you update the video above on how you activate with using the custom trainer, I believe i’m not the only one cannot activate the cheat by running the game manuelly instead of through the wemod trainer. It just doesn’t close the EAC bypass if do it that way.

I did what you said exactly. game opens everything works. except cheats. if you don’t open game through we mod, then how can you use cheats?

The Gears5_EACbypass.exe is meant to prepare the game for the trainer injection so you will need to launch the .exe then load into the game then alt-tab out of the game and hit ‘Play’ in WeMod each time you want to play because the game has EAC enabled.

that’s a no go. says can’t find game.

Can you actually reconnect to the internet? I thought you had to stay offline…