Halo 2: The Master Chief Collection Cheats and Trainer for Steam

An easy kill cheat or just one that gives you scarab gun without the skull being on would be great.

You need to vote for an update for the CE Steam trainer.
This link will help: How do I request an update for games? - WeMod Support

So I did this this morning and Iā€™ll share my experience.

I had major issues as my i5 surface pro can barely play the game so reloading levels often gave me the ā€œUE4 fatal errorā€ message which I think relates to low available RAM. I had to play on the lowest res possible which was awful. I got there in the end with perseverance!

Having attempted the spectre glitch and managing to destroy the spectre getting it into the final area I decided to steal a banshee. At this point playing on EAC version it seemed the other enemy banshees couldnā€™t kill me! :man_shrugging:t2:

I proceeded to get the banshee into the fight with tartar sauce and true enough I seemed to be invincible to the grenades being thrown by the enemy brutes.

I finished it with absolute easeā€¦ although due to what seemed like residual mods I was nervous that the achievements wouldnā€™t unlock.

Thankfully they did!

Just got monopolized to goā€¦ any questions hit me up and happy to help steer you if I can.


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Please! If thereā€™s any way that an Easy-Kill cheat can be added (as well as for Halo CE Anniversary), that would be great, fantastic, awesome, brilliant, etc.! Otherwise, LASO is just complete misery :sob:

You can run past most enemies, keep your back to the elites, flood forms etcā€¦

The only truly annoying bits are the areas that need to be cleared in order to progress, but in truth, using save & quit its not too bad.

Agree that easy kill would make this so much easierā€¦ wonder if theyā€™re not possible for these two titles?

Seems odd that it was done for Reach but not these :man_shrugging:t2:

It depends on the game, sometimes you can have all these cheats in Game 1 but then Game 2 comes it it has a completely different code structure and doing the same cheats could ā€œBreak the gameā€

So itā€™s entirely possible that you could have Easy kill, but not possible to work along side GodMode

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I get hit in the back once and die and swords pretty much kill me after 3 hits kind of misleading unlimited health that does not actually do anything.

Itā€™s not like the same people who made the game made the mods. It doesnā€™t work like that. Be grateful for having it at all!

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A third-party trainer whom I definitely will not provide the name of because I am 100% loyal to WeMod has got one hit kill on it, Iā€™m using that but still die from invisible sword elites on laso which is quite scary, you canā€™t see them and no motion tracker either.

So you canā€™t save and quit after the last checkpoint on the missions and do the last checkpoint legit?

There is a third-party ā€œtableā€ that has one hit kill on it, and a much better god mod as you wonā€™t die from invisible sword elites nor from getting hit in the back.

also there is a way to be able to use cheats on the EAC version (which makes getting achievements so much easier) if you look around.

Yeah im trying to do it on laso and i just keep getting killed from behind in one hit and then i restarts the entire level i dont know why unlimited health doesnt actually work.

So, is there a link to that third party trainer with the easy kill cheat? Iā€™m trying to go through LASO and some missions (especially Oracle) are particularly annoying since you canā€™t progress until you kill everyone. Also in that kind of space itā€™s super easy to fall off and itā€™s absolutely stupid.

No. No links for other trainers on here thanks

You can use save & quit to avoid restarting the level if you do die :muscle:t2:

Itā€™s easy enough to find but I wonā€™t break the rules on here. I did try it and it does easy kill and super jump, plus works on both windows & steam versions :+1:t2:

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Is there a rough ETA for the windows store version / game pass?

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No, we do not give ETAs or status updates. There are far too many factors that affect it. :slight_smile:

Thanks for this, thereā€™s gonna be another update in couple of hours so I hope this still works after that.

Anybody have any ideas on how to finish up laso playthrough. I beat last boss and when i quit out on last cutscene and join back on normal version it always starts me on last boss. Is there a work around?

You have to beat last boss legit on EAC version.

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