Halo Infinite Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

Xbox version of latest update isn’t working

The Halo Infinite cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

i am testing right now if i will get banned playing coop wish me luck will reply shortly

The Halo Infinite cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Es kam schon wieder ein neus Update des Game raus.


hallo ich hätte da eine frage in wemod egal welches spiel , dieses anwenden symbol wie funktioniert der mod zum aktiviren das check ich ned hab auch schon gegoogelt ,youtube usw aber finde nix gescheites um antwort wer ich sehr dankbar .

Cheats work in single player for ammo and shield (tested), but if you play co-op, all cheats stop working. Even playing on LAN with two people in same single player campaign game, cheats don’t work anymore. I’m playing through the xBox app using game pass.

And for some reason, I couldn’t get the skull for infinite ammo in game even after not killing any sentinels on the first playthrough on the last mission.

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The Halo Infinite cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Why did all the other mods for Halo infinite get removed?

There haven’t been any other mods for Halo Infinite. Always these 4.

i have not yet been banned lmao

I do have 2 suggestion but maybe unlimited grenades or unlimited use of equipment?

so what i noticed is that the ammo and no reload does work in certain locations idk its different on the stream version but the xbox version there only certain spots they activate while the super shields and health work anywhere idk if its just my game or if others have the same problem or maybe is it possible to put an on and off system instead of a apply button

The Halo Infinite cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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