I was wondering if anyone still had either a working link to a good library of DLC’s (Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV, Borderlands, etc) or had the files laying around and wouldn’t mind sharing them.
I had them a long time ago, but I’ve been through 4-5 computers and 3 moves, so I have no idea where they could be.
Gonna have to wait for mr.360 @SteveWonda to come on. He will know. Usually pops in often
I still have a sheet load of dlc’s on my rgh just dont turn it on anymore
I probably have whatever you can’t get there so see how that works out for you and post back here in this topic and I’ll see if I can upload them for you.
No problem man. Print it out and tack it to your wall. Save it to a text doc. Make a bumper sticker of it. I somehow have managed to not loose it and it definitely comes in handy!
Some of these might still work as well, but I don’t know for sure:
I’ve also supplied links for all Borderlands 2 stuff in this topic many many times:
Hello, I was looking for the DRM free dlcs for fallout nv and 3 and couldn’t find them anywhere, most links are either down or just don’t work. I was beginning to think it wouldn’t work at all but then i downloaded the Honest Hearts dlc from the link you have posted and it worked. I’m not sure if you will see this but I would really appreciate if you could post the links for the remaining FNV dlcs, I’d be really really grateful. Thanks.
I know this is kind of a late reply but thank you so much, I was finally able to experience the dlcs and platinum the whole game. God bless you man you’re the best