Help Out Nookie!

/S/hit happens

u serious ?

that might be true but still its nookie,we gotta help him out

I checked my paypal 30 seconds ago and my jaw actually dropped. Thank you so much for your care, unknown.

Very, very awesome name by the way. :wink:

I call sticky; if hasn’t already. I hope your alright Nookie. We don’t know need our thread killer to go away for along time because of that damn flood.

Thanks for helping him out lolvo! That is what real friends are for.

Hai guise. I have returned. An enormous body of water was only a couple of feet from consuming my house, but I was one of only a few, which were miraculously spared.
My internet was switched back on yesterday, after about 3 days of it being off for safety reasons, and my family has now returned. The power was shut off as well, but I have a generator which was enough to run a TV and some lights so I could stay updated. All I could do was watch the river next to my house get closer and closer. There were moments where I thought things were going to get real bad. I just did my best to stay positive and help out other people who had stayed behind.
The center of the river, pictured below, was around 12-14m (39-46ft) deep and is the reason for the evacuations in my area.

I have other people in my area who have lost everything and I am doing my best to accommodate any of their needs, as I was one of the lucky ones who can help those who have nothing left.
The public support from the community here is just absolutely amazing to me and my family. I have shown them this thread and other messages of support from you all, and we are all just simply stunned at the messages of love and hope and the fact that you guys took some time out to think of us. I appreciate every effort you have all gone to, and I am glad to be back, safe and sound.

Thank you all for your donations and support. You are all truly amazing human beings. The XMB community here can do absolutely amazing things when we work together. I thank you all. I am honored to be a part of this community and you have all earned a special place in my heart for your compassion and kindness.


Wow that looks bad Glad your back :smiley:

I’d Love To Donate.

Will Donate After Saturday Night (Birthday Party)

YES!! Hooray our beloved Nookie is safe at last everyone should be so happy that his house wasnt affected from what I read above!! Glad your back Nookie! :smiley:

I’ll try to donate, we love you Nookie <3

A quick update:

As you can all see now, Nookie has returned with the good news of the safety of him and his family. Unfortunately others were not so lucky.

Just to show how much has happened. I created this thread 20 hours ago, here is the donation progress so far:

Almost $500 in less than a day? Amazing!

I will keep the donations open for AT LEAST another 24 hours, if not 48 or 72 hours. Many people have said they will donate tomorrow, Saturday, or Sunday. Please donate anything at all you can! A few people have contacted me about special donations as well.

Keep it up guys, it is amazing how much we have raised so far by strictly care and word of mouth! Spread the word to all members of XMB and beyond, anyone is free to donate!


i donated 5 cents. that was all i have left in my paypal account.wasnt much but it will help. hope things get better nookie. from your fellow partner, SquirmyBeast.

this sucks so much, i would not wish that on anyone

Just donated 3 more dollars. We hit the 500$ mark great job guys!

Just donated, hope things get better Nookie.

Very sorry nookie, Very glad you are now safe, 500$! Wow Amazing.

very glad you are back sorry for what happenned.

I’d donate but I have no paypal account or money.
Good luck to you Nookie,

I’m glad to see that you and you’re family are safe, I’m also glad to see how the community is integral to other members. I would like to say that Nookie wasn’t the only Australian to be affected by these floods, all South Australia was. So if you really want to help, go here - Official Australia Red Cross - and make donations. I wish you all the best.

As much as I feel Nookie deserves this money, I believed a % of it should go to an organization like 2FacedDevil said

why was my comment removed
**** this site