Help Out Nookie!

im honestly srry that you have 2 go through that. i wish that i could donate money.

just remember there always light at the end of the tunnel no-mater how dark it is just keep your head held high and try 2 keep your attitude up if you do that will help influence those around you 2 do the same

srry for my grammar if its wrong

That must suck for him and his family "/

Hope it sorts it self out soon!

hang in there nookie everything will be okay

Hang in there bro.
I posted the video on my youtube and made a little site for you and the rest of the victims I will continue to work on it through the night.
Once I get money I will donate…
I will be praying for you
Peace and love

Many Blessings to you Nookie. i really hope you and your family will be safe and happy again soon…must be a really tough time for you. Much love bro.

Aah Nookie, Just a few week’s ago it seemed there was a heavy thunderstorm over in Australia, the weather never gets better eh? I hope your taking care of yourself and family, and don’t do anything you’l regret. If I could help I would, Unfortunately I’m not full of cash although cash isn’t everything, although it’s something. I hope the weather does improve and there isn’t much damage done. But I hope you’ve found somewhere to stay that you enjoy. Everyone goes through hard time’s in life but hopefully everyone pull’s through, I’l speak to you on aim when thing’s have calmed down a bit.

Holy ****.

Also my paypal just got locked.


Was going to send when I found out :anguished:

Guess I’ll be like Matty and go to another forums to sell banshee codes :\

we need to send him a smart phone, so he can still moderate here, and give me spam infractions -_- lol

ya i bet thats exactly what he wants 2 be doing is moderating xboxmb im pretty sure he has nothing better 2 do

ATTN: If you have donated after SquirmyBeast, who posted and donated about 3 hours ago, please message me on AIM. Thank you.

I’ll be donating possibly tomorrow, hope I can donate a decent amount.

<3 you Nookie :wink:

When Nookie gets his donations he will be jumping for Joy! Again Nookie hope your safe
Your the only Vet. Mod on the site that is a special position! anyway hope your safe Nookie we Love you!

Wow, I could not even imagine anything like that.

I am deeply sorry to hear the situation you are in Nookie.

Glad to hear that you are ok though. I wish the best for you and those affected.

You and all those affected will be in my prayers.

Sorry I will donate soon

wow there water snakes sharkes and crocks **** that lolz
ill try donate when can

Oh sorry to hear about that man. Natural disasters are mean! Hope everything works out, and you get back to normal very soon ! <3

Amazing, and very helpful thread Lolvo. It’s amazing to see a community over the internet can care so much about its staff members and help them out with REAL cash - even though they have no human relationship with this person. This just shows how amazing this community is… Keep the donations coming guys, and be sure to keep the words of encouragement sent to Nookie at any time you possibly can. I hope we can donate a lot for him! Good luck, Nookie. I hope everything works out fine for you.

100$ donation has been sent to Nookie - possibly may send more by the end of the week. Good luck, Nookie! Stay strong.

He’s back :smile:

If i was a Othapedic sergon ( what im going to collage for in about 4 years) I would have donated 10,000$ Sorry nookie im broke now wish you luck.