Help Out Nookie!

I’ll be praying for Nookie and his family. I will also be donating. Just stay in there man.

Nookie, I am sorry for what is happening to you and your family. I wish I had some money to donate, but seeing as I am only 13 I have none. So all I can offer you at the moment is my morale support. So I hope you and your family will all be okay.

i heard about this and it is terrible, it must be rough to live in an area where disasters like that happen, i have a cousin that lived down in New Orleans and lost everything when hurricane katrina hit :confused: i hope you and your family are okay Nookie, and remember, you can replace your house, or your belongings, but you can’t replace a person, you’ll get through this big guy. Me and all the other members of this site are looking out for you

I heard about this on the news, one of the rare times I watch news, and it’s not like a person in a wealthy place in life not to help others, I did donate £75 to a trust that I was told about at work.

Hope everything’s alright and claming down now, I also have relatives in Australia but they live in something…bourn or something, and I don’t know where that is.

Bumpity bump for the epicly good thread <3

ATTENTION: I will be closing this thread and donations later on tonight, 1/16/11. I will then be transferring the funds to Nookie, who will be distributing the funds to those most affected in his neighborhood. If you would still like to donate, do it soon. Donate via paypal to - Please contact me when you donate! Thank you. Also, if you have donated in the last 36 hours, please contact me immediately.

I have seen the floods on the news and me and my family have donation a small fund of $20, (Not to Lolvo, but to a family we know who have been affected by this also).

My state (ACT) is extremely lucky because the floods have seem to “skip” us.

It’s gone from Queensland to Melbourne and New South Wales.
I’ll see if we can make another donation, but hang in their Nookie :

Ausfags unite.

I think this is a really good thing you are doing Lolvo.

I was also affected by these floods, But not alot, I donated $150 to some various donation sites, If i had of known about this i would of sent it straight to Nookie, But Nookie, I’m really sorry for whats happening to you and your family, If you need something just ask.

I donated. (:

I hope your okayy Nook!

Edit, didn’t know that i did it at the last second until i looked a couple posts above. (:

Im in the Volunteer groups that goes there… We try to help out as much people as we could…

I’m really sorry.

Stay Safe Nookie

How much lolvo?

I’m new to this site, and Nookie is already my favorite. <3

I will be donating to him soon, with a guy like that and what he’s going through - it’s well deserved.

hope u and your family are ok
ill donate

It pains me to know that a friend of mine is in such a distress, thinking about it im a spoiled brat who gets everything and i wish i had a day with Nookie, we could eat pancakes walk in the park eat pancakes and eat more pancakes!

God Bless you Nookie may god be with you =]

Hang in there buddy its gonna be ok, i donate to help you and your family but mines going through tough times atm, my father just died and all that funeral stuff and the cremation is a lot of money.

Me and my family will be praying for you, hang in there.

A big thanks goes out to all of you who donated and gave Nookie moral support through these trying times. The funds have been sent to Nookie through Andy371, and Nookie will be distributing the funds amongst the most needy in his neighborhood! He has not stopped thanking me or the community since this began, he is truly thankful for everything you all have done for him.

[size=20]Thanks to all of you, we have just now supplied families in Nookie’s area with some money to spend on food, water, and supplies!

However, due to some unforseen problems with PayPal’s system, the total funds collected stopped at $497. I know more was donated than that; as of now, I am working with PayPal to get those funds transferred! Once they are, they will be sent over right away!

Accounting for a lost payment, the total to date is $540.36! That is an amazing accomplishment, thank you all for your help and support. Nookie will be sending out his own personal thanks, but here are a few I would like to give special thanks to:

  • Unknown_v2 - $200.00
  • StevieRox - $100.00
  • Anonymous - $100.00
  • XMB SWP - $40.00
  • Jason Litman - $35.00
  • Alex Wrigley-Howe - $20.00
  • Michele Meckling - $20.00

Thank you all so much for your generosity. For those I did not personally mention, thank you still! It is a wonderful deed you have done, truly, it is. Thank you again![/size]
