Horizon: Halo Reach GameSave

WoW! This is going to be EPIC!

I wanna sign up but I only wanna do 1 month for the 5 is there anyway to just do one month without it automatically charging me also if I get it tonight can I get halo reach mod right away

i cant wait ive been on the site for a while but never signed up i bought diamond so that i could use this

i can not wait it looks badass

I wanna sign up but I only wanna do 1 month for the 5 is there anyway to just do one month without it automatically charging me also if I get it tonight can I get halo reach mod right away i just dont want it to charge me every month

Looks Fun I Want It So I Can Get Some Achivments

Its a great tool, why not make it for only the paying customers…LOL

Can’t Wait!!!

It is only for paying customers :smiley:
See the full list of features here

I want Diamond but I cant get it. :anguished:

Sweet this is gonna be awesome!!!

WooooH Cant Wait + Im Getting Diamond:D

very good


I Really Cant Wait :smile: Easy Legendary Achievement Here We Come :smile:

I thought Horizon tool was out today?

Looks good, I want to do this.

Could we do this on co-campaign?
And is this gold only?

Yeah, where’s Horizon? The websites out but the program isn’t! I’m not getting Diamond until the program’s out!

We will just have to wait and see.

Can’t wait :smiley:

it’s a shame i’m not prepared to pay for a service that wasn’t available for several months, and before then didn’t even function properly…

i’ll see how things go