Horizon: Halo Reach GameSave

Im waiting for the Horizion Program to come out, then il run the free version and see about any bugs. Then i will get diamond if i like the program

Yeah it was awesome when I had the mods yesterday.

It was like a walk in the park.

Yay. This looks beast.

Nice job bro kip up the good work you guys rock

God I want to play with these mods so bad.

Can I play this in multi player campaign on Live with my friends?

I wanna know this also.

I would assume that you could you both need the modded gamesave and the same gamesave to start with. So you would have to go into co-op and start the game with your friend then end it after the first checkpoint. Then you both would need Horizon VIP to mod the gamesave and it might work then. I dont know though cause I was the only one with it before that I knew so I couldn’t test it.

Interesting concept… I would like to see that tested out. It would be fun to play Co-op with the mods.

i cant wait for this i want to no can it mod coop save

this is going to be awesome:P

yea i just want a full list of what it can and cant do in halo reach

If its unlimited then why is there a finite number that goes down everytime a ‘genade’ is used?

Can’t wait for this :stuck_out_tongue:

This looks sick!! When’s it being released?

i think you can cancel the monthly subscription from your paypal account

or you can just mod the achievements with horizon diamond lol.

Does the infinite health work on Vehicles?

You guys are going to love the modder. Time to beat halo reach legendary in 30min