How can i use infinity

it keeps going like that

have u logged in the app by your account ? also disable your AV or some firewall, remove all anti-virus software. have u tried doing a reinstall ?

i think something blocking your connection with infinity. are u on win 10 OS ? run Infinity as ADMIN privilege. first log-in the tool with your username.

u tried doing a reinstall ? try this link:

not sure, but some tips are mentioned below. manually remove the cache folder. a long read, but could be worth looking into.

we also have a handy tool icdv for removing this tho. search for it.

u should check this latest topic as well:

Geez Sandy, take it down a notch or ten. :frowning:

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You have Infinity version 1.

Go and download v2:

I think that will fix it :wink:


Where did you download Infinity from?