Infinity Error code:3

Im getting it aswell, Anti virus turned off and running as admin and tried it on multiple games and always gets error 3

Please install the latest version of Infinity. The bug should be dead :smiley:

thanks sir. the error 3 is now gone! appreciate it!:grin:

It works now, thanks a lot : )

Edit: but now I’m getting an error 10 (at least with Stellaris)

All my games seem to work now. Thank you for fixing the issue so quickly. Greatly appreciated guys.

We’re currently working on Stellaris. We’ll keep you updated.

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Wonderful, you’re really doing an amazing job with infinity :+1:

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Grand Theft Auto V, BioShock Infinite, Shadow of Mordor are some examples. And no, I didn’t close game, and yea after game has opened, I’ve tried clicking the start game button again in Infinity and its still Error Code 3 while game is running.

Even following the update 3 days ago that fixed it for everyone else you are still having issues?

Just re downloaded the software and now its another issue. everytime I click start game, it asks me to login or create an account. I hit login and the browser shows I’m logged in. ive tried logging out and back in again and nothing changes. it seems that the app itself is not logging me in after logging into the browser. also when I’m in the browser and I click open infinity, nothing happens. how to fix?

That means you don’t have the protocol to open Infinity. There is a tutorial on how to add it here: Infinity v2.0 Login Issue

How do actually download the latest version?? Do you just re-download infinity.

Try to re-download from this link:

Excellent, it works fine now thank you very much.

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Just so you know. You can run the install stub(small setup file) and it will install the latest version.


This Is The ErrorInfinity%20Error%20Message

Oops Wrong Error Message Sorry!

Come on with all the spam wtf.

You cannot use Infinity anymore. You need to upgrade to WeMod.