Iron Harvest Cheats and Trainer for Steam

it’s a issue even when it’s up to date. at least it’s crashed on me during the campaign before a few times.

There is no request update button for the Steam version of the game. I would like to request an update but I don’t know of another way to do it.

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need updata, always crash.

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Still needs an update

May I ask when the next update will come? It’s been 2 months since the last time something happened … I’m about to support you finanzeill, but that doesn’t help. When I pay, everything has to go smoothly

The trainer will be updated when it receives enough votes.

it keeps crashing.update it or fix it

There is still no Request Update button for the Steam version of the game. I can’t vote to update it without that button as far as I am aware.

It was tested and we found no issues with the trainer.

That’s weird, because the game has crashed on me four times so far. Twice all the way to desktop, and twice with fatal simulation errors. I followed the instructions on the trainer and did not use one hit kill or god mode until my units were actively engaged. Also, one hit kill drops your units and buildings to 1 HP.

can you PLEASE fix the unit infinite health cheat,so that only on our units work,and not also on the enemy??? I know you can fix that,i just dont know why you dont fix it… and you can add inf.building health,fog of war,see all units etc…and there is no request update button…shame

The Iron Harvest cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Steam Version causes fatal errors still even when only using instant recruit.

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Steam Version still causes fatal errors ending gameplay even when only using instant recruit just not as often.

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Great mod! Unfortunately it crashes sometime between 30 seconds to 10 min. I tried without the trainer running and the game runs fine. Only crashes when using the trainer. Anyone else have this issue? I have the latest one that was updated 12/9.

Sometimes when it runs, the game crashes loading a new save. I tried running it before and during.

hey guys, thanks so much for this mod, i was always running out of iron even with most of the mines and the enemy seemed to be able to just spam mechs.

i only used the resources mod, i feel like the others ruin the experience so i haven’t even tried them, but i was crashing after a few mins. steam version, offline only of course.


-launch WeMod, don’t start the game through it, or link it yet.
-start the game normally through steam, enter a skirmish match, enter the exit menu/pause
-return to WeMod and link the game
-return to match and set infinite resources numpad3, re-pause again
-return to WeMod and completely exit, say yes to popup.
-return to game, resources stick and game doesn’t lockup/crash anymore

i think the game can tell that something is plugging in the background, or the mod is trying to constantly max out the resources and locking it up.


it crash again.

yuup… it crashed

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Game crashes when using pretty much anything. Can get the unlimited resources still if you follow what Equ mentioned. Outside of that it just crashes almost instantly.