Just Cause 4 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

So the latest trainer released on Jan 16, but is out of date with the game already.

Also, we (I) already pay for Pro, but getting regular updates as is expected/advertised is going to cost more through the request system? I’m starting to miss the old WeMod!

Sorry, just frustrated.

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We’ve heard your feedback, most points are covered in the announcement @Zach made, you can find that announcement here! :slightly_smiling_face:

It is not out of date. The most i have heard are two broken options, one of which has a replacement. You can enable no gravity and don’t have to worry about boost - a feature which is supposed to stop you from falling.

If something else has changed then let me know. But that’s all anyone’s complained about in this thread and nobody is even voting for an update.

Thanks STN for working on these trainers! Much appreciated.

With the latest Trainer (from December) and the current game version (couple days old), my post from before still, unfortunately, holds up - the following items will not stay On/Active:
Cease Fire
Freeze Mission Timer
Unlimited Supply Drops
And, the one I want the most: Unlimited Wingsuit Boost

I also provided a gfycat showing a weird bug with Unlimited Wingsuit Missiles and Rapid Fire/No Reload.

Also, it looks like 167 people have voted 1060/2210 for a trainer update.


I’m having a problem with some of the mods. The unlimited health mod only worked for a minute or so then i started taking damage like normal and died. Now that mod wont work at all even after i tried restarting the game. The only way I got it to work again was to create an entire new game save and restart the game from the beginning or uninstalling the entire game all together. Please help!

I can answer part of this for you, the missile bug is known and unpreventable to my understanding, but if you just disable no reload it should stop firing missiles :slightly_smiling_face:

Gotcha! Thanks!

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90% of the cheats currently doesn’t work so hopefully enough people request an update for it soon im gonna get pro for a very short while to test something. What i tested did not work i got pro to use the slider buttons in the app because in the past before the sliders were pro only a lot of the time when outdated cheats refused to be activated with hotkeys numpad 1 f1 or whatever you could click the slider and the cheat would work anyway both in terms of activating and in terms of working ingame. this is no longer true at least not for just cause 4.

its becuase the trainer needs an update, if u want to update the trainer go to it click request update and use your coins

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i know that but in the past before the sliders became pro only they could be used to activate the cheats for an game when they refused to be activated by the hotkeys because the cheats were outdated. i have used all the points i had and voted for updates for this one.

the sliders became pro only they could be used to activate the cheats for an game when they refused to be activated by the hotkeys because the cheats were outdated.

If the cheat is outdated and turns itself off automatically or doesn’t do anything then the slider wouldn’t fix that. The only reason you couldn’t activate cheats by hotkey was that windows is stupid and was causing issues with WeMod. That was fixed a long time ago though.

well i had this issue only on outdated trainers. which i then was able to use by clicking the sliders.

The Just Cause 4 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

some cheats are not enabling and just turn off.

Read their notes

Not the ones with “i” next to them but the ones like unlimited ammo , boost, reload.

Do you have steam version?

Could you add a freeze challenge timer and invincible vehicle option to this trainer? Thanks.

The moment I made a mod for this game the trainer stopped working. This mod does not affect anything that the trainer does. Hell, other mods work fine with the trainer.