The sneaky Horizon developers have put in many Easter Eggs for us to find. I have found a couple. I also have used some that others have found. Here are all of the easter eggs I have found
Gamercard Viewer
[details=Open Me]Searching all of these usernames in the gamercard viewer has the theme change to a every color.
-Unknown v2
I am sure there are a couple more usernames that I couldn’t think of.
Gamercard Viewer 2.0
[details=Open Me]These people seem rather hated
- Superaison
- JD_2020
“Modio is Better”
[details=Open Me]Typing into the chat ‘modio is better’ will have a screen pop up saying “lol no” and instead what will be typed into the chat is “I <3 Horizon ” After closing the popped up screen Horizon then closes
About Horizon Easter Egg
[details=Open Me]This is a rather funny one that they put in for us to find. This was already found in last year’s BETA but still…
- Go to ‘Tools’
2, Go to ‘About’ - Click the Horizon logo on the right 8 Times.
- Click ok. Now click the Horizon Logo 10 more times
Title ID Finder Blinkers
[details=Open Me]Enter this title in the title ID finder and Horizon will begin to blink rapidly for about 10 seconds
- Modded Warfare[/details]
There are still more. If you know any please post them below
Credits: The developers of Horizon | Lee for finding ‘Title ID Finder Blinkers’ | iCypher for finding JD_2020 Egg