Loading screen

everytime when i turn the program on, it will be on loading screen without going into Infinity. I have windows 8.1. Please write obviously but iā€™m not good at PC :slight_smile: (sorry for bad english)

Try running in administrator mode? I donā€™t know if will help, but it might.

I trying. But donā€™t work

@sNaKe May have a solution

sorry to sound like a broken record, but Try the suggestion posted by @nick_666 over here. remvong all appdata folders might help solve this problem. :slight_smile:

you can also try to remove all the .BIN files located here, e.g., C:\users\Your username\AppData\Roaming\Daring development\Infinity\trainers.

do u have any Antivirus software ? u tried doing a reinstall ? try this link:


u should check this latest topic as well:

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Yeah my just loading nothing else

Thanks I try all options

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yh ii just removed all bin files but noithing for me

You can spend 20 minutes reading the posts Sandy shared or you can delete the cache by using my tool.

The folders are at appdata\roaming if you want to do it manually.


sweet this works its all good now

Emm speak humanly ok? xD plese explain it

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Ok work thx guy

Press the blue text saying ICDV2 and a zip file will be downloaded. Extract the folders using 7zip or winrar, then navigate to the automatic version and press it. Tge tool will delete the cache and start infinity.


No problem.

Glad it is working now. :slight_smile: