Mass Effect: Andromeda Cheats and Trainer

The level up cheat seems to crash the game if it is activated at the same time as the skill point cheat. When I deactivate the skill point cheat, the level up will not stay activated. So, I saved the game and reloaded that save…and I was indeed leveled up to the next level. It would seem that the only way to get it to work was to click the level up, save the game and then reload the save…repeating this as many times as you want to level up.

Huh, didn’t crash for me but good catch.

I just learned the life support bugs the game out (the hard way), another update incoming. And this brings me to a big WTF EA/Bioware moment. None of the earlier Mass effect games were this pain in the ass to cheat, this one though has hidden bugs everywhere ready to set off as soon you cheat x or y thing.

Given the unfinished state of the game, they sure have some nerve! Prefer a real CC instead of road blocks and anti-hacking software. Oh well. Anyway, the trainer makes the game much more enjoyable for me. THANKS!!

Yeah, there seems to be an issue where the goddamn quests don’t update any longer with the latest patch - this observed on the Voeld medical cache mission, which may have seen bugs on its own, as I understand.

The way it breaks is that it stops registering the various progress points, so I can fill up the cache, and it stays at 0/3 (and each subsequent cache has the same line, “One done, two to go…”). This resets when you re-land on the planet, so at the very least you’re not left in a state where you can’t progress (since it’ll catch on that the quest didn’t update and will make the quest points available again), but you can’t progress w/ cheats enabled.

Also, would it be too hard to increase that money cheat so that it does at least 100k or so? I don’t feel like grinding my resources (the various chemicals) so I’m buying them up in bulk from vendors instead, and it becomes a PITA to buy 25, sell 1, buy 1, buy 25…

Or an outright cheat for the resources, so that I don’t have to? :smiley:

Also, great stuff, having this trainer out so fast. Amazing job.

You do realize that what you’re doing is essentially altering the game’s state in ways not expected by the game’s developers (and subsequently - the game itselt), right?

Any and all changes you make automatically put the game into an undefined* state, so to speak. Issues are expected.


* undefined in the “programming languages” sense, which basically means that it may work or not, but there’s no guarantee that the state the game ends up in will conform to any expected behavior (or that this resultant behavior will be consistent across platforms and/or sessions)


The options’ names and explanations could use some a lot of work. Improvement examples attached. :wink:

Unlimited Skill Points:

“Spend or gain some first. Use before loading a mission to save them.” doesn’t clearly explain how the option is meant to be used (how does one load a mission? which mission? do I even load missions? do you mean before I take a mission?)

A much better explanation would be “Spend or gain points to see a change. Enable option in main menu before loading your saved game to keep the changes.” – clear and to the point.

Unlimited Credits:

“Spend or gain some first. It may appear they haven’t changed but you will still be able to buy things once updated.” is a terrible explanation, it left me confused for a long time as to how the option should actually work. I ended up enabling/disabling the option multiple times with attempting to buy and sell with multiple vendors until I caught on to how it actually does things.

Also, the name of the option is also incorrect – it doesn’t grant unlimited credits! The option grants 10,000 credits - an unlimited number of times! That has implications. For example, I will -not- be able to buy things that cost more than 10,000 credits, no matter how much “unlimited” this option makes it sound. The game checks whether you have enough credits to buy things, and it does not take any changes made “off-screen” into account until the value is updated - this means you won’t be able to buy anything you couldn’t before when you activate the cheat, at least until it changes in-game.

It should also be noted that the option does not (!) add credits until you actually earn some. You -must- sell something (or earn credits otherwise) for it to register.

Try this explanation: “Sets the game’s credits to 10,000 when you sell an item. Buy any item to update credits in-game. Repeat as required.”

Unlimited Vertical Boost:

It is not made clear that this option is intended for the Nomad, not the player (which also has a boost pack on their back).

Also, NOTE: the game actively tracks out-of-map / stuck-in-terrain situations, so if you remain “flying” for too long (or in/over specific points), the game will assume that something went wrong (the player is stuck) and reset you to the ground. As-is, it may actually promote getting yourself stuck (by forcing the game into erroneous assumptions and thereby triggering bugs).

I propose renaming it to “Unlimited Nomad Vertical Boost”. Actually, it may be better to simply rename both options to read “Nomad: Unlimited {X} Boost”, as a clear distinction, if possible.

Unlimited Consumables and Unlimited Items – um, excuse me? So wait, Unlimited Items doesn’t actually mean I get unlimited everything? Confusing. Which items are “consumables”, exactly? (I assume it means the special ammo and boosters)

I propose renaming “Unlimited Consumables” to “Unlimited Combat Consumables”. Might make more sense?

(I withdraw this part of my comment after having learned more of the game.)

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I’ve been playing for a while but my game keeps crashing whilst in the galaxy map screen trying to get to another planet or landing. Anyone else getting this problem? I’m not sure if it is the game or the cheats. Please respond if you can help or if you’ve also had this problem. Thanks!

Unlimited Power Cells causes my game to crash as soon as I use a power that uses Power Cells. Tried it on Flak Cannon and the game froze for 5 seconds before fully closing.

Only thing that is currently giving my trouble is unlimited life support bugged out one of my main story quests which i was still able to complete but now i have a unfinished version in my quest log and a finished version of the quest so we will see if this save file is screwed or not luck i have a back up manual save right before.

Fix done. Just playing the game for an hour or so to confirm there won’t be any nasty surprises again (sorry about the bugged quests, it’s cause of the life support cheat - couldn’t imagine quests being tied to that)

@Gorthezar Power cells haven’t caused any issues here, i’ll check it more.

The Mass Effect Andromeda trainer has been updated!


  • Added cryopod, ignore crafting requirements, nomad cheats
  • Fixed life support cheat (shouldn’t be bugging anything now).

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Yup, life support cheat seems to work now. It still doesn’t work right in toxic environments, though - I mean, it works, sure, but it doesn’t stop the effect (which I assume may well be scripted). The vote’s still out on it messing anything delicate up…

Any chance of getting one hit kill ?

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The level up option still crashes the game every time. Even when its the only option selected.

Dear STN,

Quick question(s) : How do I get the changes to save/stick on closing then reopening the game or do they only save when I have them enabled when I start up the game? Also I dont know if it will work but is it possible to add a level 100 rather than a level up on kill that way you can have access to all versions of gear?

Bug Reports: So I tried the updated mods and Ive noticed a few things and am not sure if they are intended or not. Unlimited Skill Points resets upon reopening the game after points were spent and drops all available points according to your level in the combat tree. Unlimited Reasearch Points can work buts its very random one of my saves works instantly on another it only worked for helius points. Unlimited Items/Ignore Crafting Requirements unsure how this is suppose to actually work but i think it stops me from crafting new things, like it gives me the option to craft and it says its complete but i check loadout and its not there. Also something of note I cant edit the colors of my casual appearance just something I found interesting.

So if there is an order to use the mods as to not mess up the game that would be lovely.


Mine All Mein

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Had a issue last night on Voled, where the interact button prompt is not showing up ( the Y button, playing on controller since I happen to be one handed) happened after I fast traveled between forward stations a couple of times consecutively. Now can’t get Into the Nomad anymore or the Tempest. (button prompt not showing up as I said) and loading a previous save doesn’t fix it.

Had the life support cheat as well as both Nomad cheats, had skill points on earlier but later disabled it.
Was wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this?

Unlimited Items/Ignore Crafting Requirements you still need atleast one of each requested materials for it to work thats how the cheat works.

Unlimited Reasearch Points the cheat works normaly for me when I research a new item the points jump to 99999

Unlimited Skill Points happened to me to used a CE Table for skill points.

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This isn’t an issue with Infinity. The UI doesn’t tell you this, but you need to hit Space to lock in the color you’ve picked, otherwise it resets.

i used the level up, it levels me up, but the skill points used on my squadmates get reset everytime i try upgrading their skills.

Skill points are designed this way in game, the only way they stick is if your level matches with the skill points you have. At level 130+ you should have enough skill points to unlock everything.

@Xaleph I haven’t had anything bugged with life support - i completed two different missions (they’re an hour+), played for like 3 hours and everything worked as it should. Maybe it’s the game itself?

No idea about the level up crash, are you guys using it before mission loads? I can’t get it to crash at all.

I’ve been selecting the option before even entering the game. And it crashes every time.