Mass Effect Legendary Edition (ME1) Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Mass Effect Legendary Edition
This is the official discussion topic of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stamina
3. Unlimited Shield
4. Unlimited Money
5. Unlimited Talent Points
6. Unlimited Med Kits
7. Unlimited Omni Gel
8. No Weapons Cooldown
9. No Recoil
10. Better Accuracy
11. Unlimited Grenades


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 05/15/2021
    Started development

  • 05/15/2021
    Released trainer with 11 cheats

  • 08/04/2021
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

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Hey bud, this trilogy here should be top 2 in the queue. Only a stooge would play GTA III in 2021. Let’s push the needle on the urgency dahn here pal. How about a little respect for greatness? Throw everything else ahead of this, aht and to the side! Work through a lunch break or 5, take caffeine tablets until you have God mode created, unlimited money too. Can’t be broke in a video game, these current conditions are highly unacceptable, good sir.

  • Cheers People

Can we get this trainer for origin, please?

Edit: Thanks for the reply, it works =] Any chance of increasing Renegade and Paragon points?


when will there be a origin trainer?


Hey…thanks for moving so fast on this.

Unlimited money is not working for me (yes I have the Steam version.)

Edit: apparently going to the equipment screen after enabling the trainer gives you alllll the moolah.


Ahhh yes I’m rich again! It’s good to have fake money Good job dude, 5 stars lmao.

  • Happy Hunting Massholes

just checking this is just for game 1 right? hope to see the other 2 soon and thank you for all your hard work!


Just want to say thanks, the money is no longer an issue. Also to anyone wondering, it still works with the origin version, you just have to direct the trainer to the .exe in your install directory. Happy Gaming Commanders! thanks again MrAntiFun


would you guys be able to add a max Paragon and Renegade for all 3 games pls


Unlimited Money not working for me either. At least not on the ship.

Update: My mistake. Enable and then go to Equipment screen. Money now max.


Thank you! It didn’t occur to me to go to the equipment screen. :smiley:

could you add a way to get rid of excess talent points? thanks!


Great work but can we PLEASE get a max paragon/renegade option


are you guys gonna make the cheat engine for ME2 and ME3 separately or is it gonna be ME1, for the whole ME: Legendary Edition?


For the origin version, just point the wemod app to the .exe in the ME1 folder


Thank you for all of your hard work!

Would it be possible to get a cheat to eliminate cooldown of abilities? Thanks!


I think its going to be seperate trainers for all 3 games since they all have their own seperate .exe’s. well they do on the origin version anyway, not sure how steam packed them

also if anyones having issues with using the trainer for the origin version. FLiNG released theyre standalone version of the trainer. and FIiNGS usually work with all launchers.

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It actually works with the Origin version. Just manually locate the executable. I tested it earlier. All the cheats seem to work well. The money one is a little iffy, but I just used cheat engine for that.


Thank you for all your hard work as usual. Anyone else have an issue getting their talents to go above a certain level? Is it a talents restricted based on level thing, or?