I tried that. When offline your mod actually increases the online resource (which is great!). But when you go back online to use them they have disappeared. You also set the online nukes to 16 (max) which you certainly do not want. When going online with 16 online nukes (if your resources would not have disappeared) is a bad idea for people needing the cheats. You would very quickly be attacked by the very high level guys that will ruin your day when they com over to disarm those nukes. While offline you can not dismantle those online nukes so there really is no way to not you would not get attacked if your resources would stick.
This is handled way better by @unknown_v2 his mod (Metal Gear Solid V: TPP Cheats and Trainer for Steam). He sets the offline resources so you can disassemble those nukes he sets before going back online.
His resources also stick when going back online so is actually useful.
And unlike @unknown_v2 his mod your unlimited GMP isn’t helpful either… You set offline and online GMP to 5 million each while multiples of those are needed as online GMP to research a lot of items or upgrade your FOB. Granted, wemod should not work for online multiplayer but the online part is also needed for the best gear when playing solo.
Unknown_v2 his mod sets the offline to its max (5 mil) and the online GMP to 100 mil. This is a lot better you’ll agree. Unfortunately also his GMP does not get saved and is only useable while this part of the mod is active. So using that to get the GMP and then your mod to get rid of the weeks needed to build a base is also not possible.
I’ll keep using the other, outdated mod for now, the only thing that misses for me is the instant base upgrades, but at least I can pay for those base upgrades!
Oh, just tested that instant base upgrades…Correction, I did not. I tested FOB upgrades which can’t be modded. Only motherbase can be instant, correct?