Microsoft Starts New Xbox 360 Ban Wave


I don’t know how accurate this information is, it’s pretty badly worded but have a read anyway…

Today Microsoft have started banning Xbox 360 consoles of people with:

Flashed Xbox


Modded avatars

Infections on CoD4

Infections on World at War

Infections on MW2

Anything which breaches the Xbox 360′s code of conduct is eligible for a ban. If your console has been flagged for any of the above or any similar activities, you’ll be banned in all possibility during this ban wave.

Microsoft are monitoring messages you’ve sent so don’t go around sending messages saying Hosting MW2 Challenge Lobby for 1200 MSP or PayPal or whatever. And don’t ask for anyone’s account email or password in a email as they ban consoles for doing that aswell.

Is there any actual evidence or whatever? Like the last ban wave never seemed to happen. And banning flashed consoles? How are they detected on 12625? If they were, wouldn’t everybody be banned?

There doesn’t need to be an update in order to detect new firmware.

Than how come the wave has just started? Isn’t the whole point of the new disks to prevent flashed consoles?

Lots of people from TTG have been banned so i think this is legit. Microsoft be mad.

Fu*k Microsoft

That’s me then :cry:.

If this is true I am going to have to buy a few new consoles. :confused:

My friend got banned for waw lol

Literally half the people playing WaW have godmode + noclip.

Out of curiosity “E71” has nothing to do with ban wave? Right, right?

EDIT: I’m stupid had a file called default.xex on my USB in the xbox. From a day ago. :anguished: Lol.

Nope, that is just a normal xbox error.

And no banned yet for me.

They’re banning people with Gamerscore? O_o

Microsoft u mad?

gamerscore… really???

<3 U elliot. thanks for posting,

It’s against the Code Of Conduct so they have every right to ban you for modding your gamerscore, no matter how insignificant it is. The way i see it is, you agreed to the COC. If you get banned for not adhering to it you only have yourself to blame.

I would be annoyed to get perma banned for modding my gamerscore though in all honesty.

lol got around 180+ games downloaded and only play them offline wonder if they would see that as GS modding aswell

so no modded gamerscore at all … what if i do 1 achv a week will they still know?