Minecraft360 Seed List [100+]

“Obama” without the quotation marks is a good one I play on currently. Funny name. Anybody else have unique seeds, that list on the front page has ones I’ve seen on most of the other websites. I’d love a great seed to play on!

nice, thanks!

Here is a quick batch to extract the seed, the seed will be in Decimal though, but the game reads it the same.

just extract your savegame.dat & place it in the same directory as " Get Seed Value.bat " & run the batch, it will also create a file with your seed named " Your Seed ********* "

There will probably be a dev some where that can do a better job than me lol but this is the easiest way of getting a seed you dont know.

Download Minecraft Seed Extractor

Here is the Tutorial worlds Seed, no need for pics we all know what it look like, it doesn’t include the Village or Castle or any other man made thing, it seems the Devs imported these from a schematics.


version at the moment…

I have another to add to the list.

multipleorgasms - just like that all lowercase. Gives a great map for both the xbox version and pc.

xbox - the map basically has a little bit of everything, no real amazing land marks to be seen but surely has a bunch of flat spots and very high mountains (not all clumped together). There are quite a few hill/mountain side caves that are pretty nice.

pc - kind of the same thing but far more flat lands, desert, still a crap load of mountains, didnt really explore the entire map like i did on the xbox version. I found a nice spot and my creative thinking just took over :smirk:

I will try to add some screenshots and maybe a small video later this evening, for now its off to work. Just thought I would share the awesome! :thumbsup:

It really is a nice map on both platforms but everyone has a different taste i guess.

On the seed diamonds i know where the spawner is, here is the address X:106, Y:20, Z:-34.
But be CAREFULL i would`nt take the chance and not dig strait down because there is a whole crapload of lava down there.

Thanks for the share.

Y U NO click +thanks button?!


The seed Dead Mau5 (case sensitive) is a great seed for it, when you spawn look for floating mountains and go to them. When you see lava keep walking until you reach a big gap between two mountains connected to the ground and walk a few more steps and look left. There is a little opening which has two chests with redstone iron buckets and three saddles. So with the floating mountains, you just need to find a pig on top of one and ride it until it falls and there you go. The coordinates of the inside of the dungeon are: x:-261 y:22 z:82:thumbsup:

I’ve tested quite a few of those and they didn’t work. Except for Gargamel, Glacier etc. But the mushroom biomes don’t work. That’s because the Xbox version is too old.

Listen to me, you all think that gargamel or 404 is the best ones but there not. The best one by far is “3.14”. It is extremely good. You start of on tons of islands surrounded by ocean. On one island there is a huge cave which I still havnt finished exploring. I found 43 diamonds in that one cave the first time I went down there.

The coordinates for the cave is “X:19 Y:76 Z:-105”. Trust me, this is by far the best!!

Awesome! thanks.

put the seed in lol.

Just found a great seed.! It’s named “greem” (no quotes). You spawn in deep water, so be careful.! And go up the hill and turn around for a HUGE suprise.! Message ,me and tell me if this worked for you. (:

Reply what you think of our seeds.(:

Actulley, worstseedever, is the best in minecraft. You spawn beside a dungeon and there is a cave next to it, so far me and my brother and dad have found a totalof 21 diamond, and we haven’t even explored half yet. Try it(:

We have a new seed(:

Seed: -1155445961

You have to look for it, but there is a beach, with a HUGE cave(you will find the eentrance above ground on the beach.) I have been playong on this seed for 3 months and i just found it, so you need to be patient. So far i have found lots of iron, redstone and coal. Also 3 gold and 10 diamonds! (: Have a good day.

Really nice thanks :smile:
This should be Pinned!

I found a pretty decent seed if anyone is interested. It’s JoLi100111 mostly jungle with some beaches. There is a few pretty huge cliffs with lava falls water falls and an above ground cave. Near coords 145 72 -288 there is a decent cave network with 4 mob spawns relativley close together. a skeleton and zombie spawn are very close and on the surface. Perfect for mob farming.