MONSTER HUNTER RISE Cheats and Trainer for Steam

thx for update i boosted 25 times :slight_smile:

thats some rookie numbers! i did 200 :sweat_smile:
im happy for the update guys, going to play when im home from work.

Do crt/atk/def cheats work now too?

Thanks for the update! You guys rock :slight_smile:

is there any chance we can get a no reload option? for like hbg and lbg

needs an unlimited pickup/ monster carves

So itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve played Monster Hunter Rise and I see that there are some changes to the cheats. The Edit Attack and Critical Chanceā€¦does that mean you would be able to sever/break parts easier or is that only for killing the monster?

please fix atk/def status mod (Ā“ļ½„Ļ‰ļ½„`)

The cheats were updated several days ago.

Does that mean we canā€™t expect improvement for a while?

What do you mean? If you are asking for more cheats to be added, that is up to Fling.

game constantly crashes using weMOD please fix?

sooo iv noticed certain items cant be edited like difr kind of ores is that normal?

Iā€™m just making an assumption about your issue, but you need at least two of an item to be able to increase the quantity.

Iā€™ve never had issues with Rise crashing while running wemod, neither have several other people I know that are all over 100 hours of gameplay on both AMD and Nvidia cards, Windows 10, and 11. Not saying itā€™s not happening, just that itā€™s improbable and you likely have a different issue than wemod. Try checking system logs or MHR crash logs. Are you running other mods? Try uninstalling them and testing the game. Your game files could be corrupt, try doing a repair. Make sure your graphics drivers are updated. Without any other info, no one can help you. Hereā€™s a link to a few things to try.

In addition, it could be a result that their hardware is already struggling to run the game, and the mods add extra pressure that cause booting issues. I recently upgraded my entire system and some mods that werenā€™t working now are without issue.

I see that the game has ā€œAnti-Tamperā€ on steam, does this mean its bannable?

Funny how they can get this done for MH:R but not for the superior MH:W. I tried playing Rise but it was definitely a WISH version of World. The graphics are atrocious and the gameplay is dumbed down.

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rookie numbers? are you ok in the head mister im the best and rich? everyone boost like maybe 10? or less

continued crashes upon Loading screens to/from missionsā€¦ experienced game crashes 9 times now using different settingsā€¦ should i swap from borderless to fullscreen or windowed? (weirdly helps with other games)

[uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, drivers up-to-date]

did NOT have this issue pre-Sunbreak update