Need for Speed Heat Cheats and Trainer for EA

what happened to UVPlasma has also happened to me, so be careful using the cheats. weirdly, my REP level has stayed the same, and all unlockable upgrades are also available

same happened to me same level but lost all my cars and money…

loving this game game so far, picked up with Origin Premier. The trainer is awesome, but its the grind for REP that kills me. The heat i dont mind, cops makes it more challenging. But without the REP even the money cheat is useless. cant buy anything until your REP is higher. An additional cheat for REP boost would be very much appreciated.

Yup, I can confirm: No Heat-Cheat wipes your REP and there is no way to gain the REP back fast…

That’s different. Your cars were deleted by the admins and your money reset to 0 because you attempted to go online with cheats. You probably have an email somewhere telling you off and warning you what’ll happen if you do it again (ban?).

I am having an issue with the trainer . I am trying to use the Need for speed heat trainer but when I follow the instructions and go offline the wemod app starts to flicker constantly and you can’t click anything unless you go back online. Can you fix this please or give a suggestion and I’m completely stuck :(.

The trainer instructions require me to disable my internet for one of the cheats to work.

This is a separate, known issue that the devs are aware of. :slight_smile:
Link: Infinity. Offline Mode? - #25 by frank

I need a dev to reply , that thread doesn’t help at all. I’ve already looked at it many times before posting on here.

I need a dev to contact me not the community

You don’t need a dev to reply at all.
Frank, in that thread, is the lead developer of WeMod. He said he’s looking into it. He has no reason (and probably no time) to reach out to you personally, that’s what the community is for. Frank is busy being a (lead) dev. :slight_smile:

Why send me a link to a useless thread then? Just don’t send anything at all. I don’t want to see that other people are having issues lol :joy:. I am here to find a solution as the WeMod support staff sent me here but it was no hell

can you make a always make 5 heat or max rep for this game

just put your origin to offline mode because wemod doesn’t work offline either for me

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This is a known issue and is currently being looked into. When we have a fix for it, Frank will reply to the thread linked above by @Ravenfyre as that was the initial post reporting the issue :+1:

Let me know if you need any other help :slightly_smiling_face:

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Love this trainer, only problem i have come across is that my rep is stuck on level 2 so i cant unlock anything at all

Does the Money cheat offline still work? Last I read up about the Money Cheat after the last update if you go back online after using the Money Cheat offline everything gets wiped (REP, Money, Cars). Has there been a fixed for this yet or has it been looked into yet?

@LeeVin0357 Doesn’t look like it.

Used the cheat, and bought a bunch of stuff, but was getting a “Purchase Failed” error after a while. After disabling the cheat and going back into Solo mode, all of my money was wiped. Rep and cars seem fine.

So I have no money, but can buy what I want. Or I can have all the money in the world, and buy nothing. I feel like EA might be screwing with me.

So I would assume the Money Cheat thing is done for? Or will there be a fix for it? Last I seen it still wipes out your money and REP after using it on solo and after going online with it turned off.

Money cheat is never been really meant to “work” per-say. The EA games tend to be all server sided so it will get an error when you go back online corrupting your progress. There is no way around this.

Also, I believe “No Heat” will screw up your level. At least I noticed that my level suddenly dropped. So I suggest avoiding using it.

For everyone else, I am currently testing out a method I found to be pretty decently good. I will post the info later, but not sure if this place is safe cause I believe there are spies in here XD


If you dont post in here can you DM me that method if its working? Would appreciate it!

Is it possible to have a cheat for max heat? Will help do those Ultimate part heat races a lot faster, Thanks for the Trainer!