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A Beginners Guide to XboxMB

[b]Enjoy the thread? Want to thank me? Post below!


<div align=center>

Introductory Paragraph
The Rules
The Ranks
Creating Your Profile
BB Code
User Control Panel
The Thanking System
Staff Members
Contacting Staff


Welcome to Xboxmb, your source for Xbox Modding, Gaming news, and many, many other things! In this little thread of mine I will be explaining to you many things that will help you out as a new member on the site. As you read along you will read through information on various things to do with the site. The main things I will be discussing will be: Diamond Membership (Our “Premium” Membership), Features of the site, Horizon(Most Likely why you came here), and the forums! If you have any questions or concerns that you need help with beginning your stay here at XboxMB, please feel free to contact me and I will be more than glad to help you. Enjoy your time on this site, and if you appreciate this thread and the hard work I put into it, you can easily click the “Thanks” button at the bottom right of this post, check the section of this thread titled “The Thanking System” to learn more about it!


Horizon is an amazing program developed by the XboxMB Developers (See Staff Section for their names) to help users understand and develop their modding experience to the best possible advantage. As of now, Horizon (through various subjects) seems to be better than all the competition. When I say that it seems to be better than all of the competition I mean it IS better than all the competition. Cheater912 (Horizon Developer) even made a post showing his extensive testing of Horizon, Modio, and various other Xbox file transferring programs finding out that Horizon was the clear winner with an extreme lead above Modio and other programs that could not be excused. Horizon is the top program and the Features in the spoiler below (click “Spoiler” button to show it all) show how and why this program is the right program for you when it comes to modding your favorite games and other various things on your 360.


Tools and Moddable games with Horizon

Horizon is the most up-to-date and innovative Xbox 360 modding tool on the market. In seconds you can achieve 100% completion along with unlimited health, endless ammunition, bank loads of cash, and so much more for your favorite games. With a few clicks you can unlock those achievements and avatar awards for games you just can’t beat while using Horizon’s incredible user interface, built with the casual gamer in mind. The program is updated frequently with the latest and greatest tools, making the possibilities endless, and modding for you, a cinch.

To download Horizon and find more information about it, you can do so here:

XboxMB - Xbox Message Boards - Horizon

Avatar Color Editor - Change your avatar’s colors to ones not normally available in the Xbox Avatar Editor!

Gamer Picture Manager - Create gamer picture packs and change your gamer pic to whatever you want!

Gamercard Viewer - Search for gamertags and view their profile data including gamerscore, recent games, reputation, and gamerzone. Download all avatar/gamer pictures!

Package Manager - View, extract, and inject STFS Packages and their Contents.
Rehash and Resign. Horizon automatically rehashes and resigns your packages whenever you hit a save button!

Title ID Finder - Search for games and find their Title IDs and vice versa. Also save the game covers!

Theme Creator - Create themes for your dashboard using your own, custom images!
Mod Popular Xbox 360 Titles

Moddable Games

Alan Wake
Assassin’s Creed II
Bionic Commando
Brutal Legend
Castle Crashers
Crackdown 2
Crysis 2 Profile
Crysis 2
Dead Rising 2
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Devil May Cry 4
DiRT 2
F.E.A.R. 2
Fable II
FIFA Soccer 11
Forza 3 Screenshot
Forza Motorsport 3
Forza 4 Screenshot
Forza 4 Livery Unlocker
Forza Motorsport 4
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
Gears of War 3 Stats
Grand Theft Auto IV
Halo 3
Halo 3: ODST
Halo: Reach
Just Cause 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Marble Blast Ultra
Metro 2033
Modern Warfare 3
Naughty Bear
NFS: Hot Pursuit
Naruto Ninja Storm 2
Plants vs. Zombies
Quake Arena Arcade
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Resident Evil 5
The Saboteur
Saints Row: The Third
Sonic The Hedgehog
Star Wars: TFU2
Super Meat Boy
Test Drive Unlimited
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s

rmal Shoutbox - Get access to the rmal Shoutbox built into the program. It’s also integrated with the one on the forums.

Diamond Shoutbox - Get access to the diamond Shoutbox built into the program. It’s also integrated with the one on the forums.

Memory Unit Explorer - Ability to use the FATX Explorer to explore all official Xbox 360 formatted devices! Never have to manually extract or inject files!

Account Editor - Modify the account information stored in your profile. This does not let you change your gamertag for free!

Achievement Unlocker - Unlock achievements for games that you’ve never even played before. Uses methods that keep your modifications undetectable!

Avatar Award Unlocker - Unlock avatar awards for games that you’ve never even played before. Uses methods that keep your modifications undetectable!

Game Adder - Add games to your profile that you’ve never even played before! Adds all awards and achievements.

Modify Xbox LIVE Profile - Modify your Reputation, Gamerzone, Motto, Location, Name, and Bio straight from Horizon!

Crown Modder - Never seen before: You can w change your Crown, which is the number of years you’ve been a gold member!

Custom Theme - Customize your Horizon theme to any color you choose! w it’s getting personal.

Easter Eggs - Find Easter Eggs put in by the Horizon developers!


[size=14]This is the section about the amazing premium membership of our site, Diamond. Diamond Membership has an extreme amount of perks in which will be listed in the spoiler below. Various things will attract you into buying a Diamond Subscription including how cheap it is, the ***y badge, and more respect as a user around the forums. Buying Diamond shows your support for the site so I highly suggest you buy Diamond as soon as you can! The Perks of Diamond are listed below, check them out!



The Perks of Diamond

Games only able to be modded with Horizon:

Alan Wake
Crysis 2 (Profile)
Dead Space 2
DiRT 2
F.E.A.R 2
Forza Motorsport 3
Forza 4 Livery Unlocker
Forza Motorsport 4(Main tool)
Gears of War 3 Stats
Halo 3: ODST
Halo: Reach
Quake Arena Arcade
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s

The ***y Green Badge & Name:

The Site Features (Makes it worth it by themselves):

The Hidden Feature of Diamond:

Respect. Users will respect you more and want to help you out more if they see that you are a Diamond member. If you buy diamond it tells other users “I’m here to stay”. Even if you are not active on the forum and just use Horizon, if you post on the Forum asking for help (in a proper format, NOT IN ALL CAPS PLZ HELP :cry::’(:’( ). If you are a diamond member, calm, mature, and just want to get to the bottom of your issue, users will most likely be MORE than happy to assist you (They will even if you are not Diamond, but if you post like I did in the parenthesis then we(the users) will most likely just ignore you).

The Rules

[size=14]The rules are a very important part of the XboxMB Community. Following the rules does not just make you feel good for helping the staff and their effort in keeping things under control, but you also are given a chance to obtain certain ranks such as Epic and Staff! Most likely none of you new members will read this section fully or just not read it at all, if you have read this far then congratulations and I would like to thank you, PM me that you read this far and I will thank you on a random post (make sure you have at least made 1 post on the forum) I will be thanking you not because you will be asking me, but because I am thanking you for being a good member and wanted to follow the rules out of your own choice.

The Rules

Originally Posted by one of our Admins zrueda Here

Please be aware, upon registration, you agreed to our Terms of Service (TOS) and you will oblige by them throughout the whole of your stay here at XboxMB.

1.1 XboxMB website is aimed toward a general audience. Explicit and vulgar language, drug talk, nudity, *****graphy, violence, gore, and so forth is not allowed.

1.2 Do not mini-mod. We would like to encourage and thank our members to report everything to a staff member, without adding their own criticism. Examples of this include - “Lock this thread!”, “warn this user”, “ban this user”, etc. Posting “no B/S/T”, “not allowed”, and similar phrases fall into this category.

1.3 All publicly displayed messages are only limited to English. This includes posts, titles, signatures, profiles, and other forms of public display unless posted in the Foreign Language Section, if available, or told otherwise by an admin/moderator.

1.4 When posting a new topic; please do not name the topic title as something similar to “HELP ME” - Instead, a better topic would be “Help me with Modding My Gamertag” - It looks better, and more people will respond to it that way.

1.5 Maximum number of characters for signatures must not exceed 2200, contain anything explicit, contain nudity, or contain porn. The same rule applies for avatars.

1.6 Do not create a new thread on a topic that is currently already in discussion. Regardless of if you “feel” you deserve to have your own thread, the existing thread should be used unless an Admin or Mod instructs otherwise.

1.7 The XboxMB website’s Staff reserve the right to lock and/or delete any posts or threads which they deem irrelevant or frivolous at their own discretion.

1.8 Please use the SEARCH feature of the forums before posting threads that address errors, problems, questions, and almost ANYTHING. Chances are someone has already asked the same question and received an answer. Please search before starting a new thread.

1.9 No alternate accounts are allowed. You are not in any circumstances allowed to make another account. You will get caught if you make one and dealt with accordingly up to both accounts being banned.

1.10 Impersonating Staff members is not allowed and consequences will be dealt accordingly and immediately. This includes telling others you are staff or having staff badges as your avatar.

1.11 Do not abuse the Thanks system, give it out accordingly and correctly. Find out how to properly thank here

1.12 Trolling or anything of the kind is strictly forbidden. This includes flaming and making another members feel unwanted.

1.13 Farewell threads are not permitted. If you feel the need to tell people, tell them via the messaging systems.

1.14 Requesting items, such as, but is not limited to; 48 hour trials or Microsoft Points is strictly prohibited and will result in the removal of your topic.

2.1 We do not tolerate spam. In short, do not post small or useless posts that are not relevant to the topic being discussed.

2.2 Do not PM a moderator or admin numerous times saying the same thing to try and speed up an answer/problem. We receive the PM’s you get. There is no need to keep sending it.

2.3 Forum sigs are to be used respectfully, so don’t annoy our members by making your sig into your personal ad revenue opportunity. (ie: advertising and/or reference/affiliate codes in your sig is prohibited).

2.4 Buying, selling, trading, and/or offering services are not permitted.

2.5 XboxMB is a gaming forum, not a social networking site. As upset or happy as you may be, it’s not appropriate to ask for feedback or spark discussion on personal matters.

3.1 Do not post offensive, abusive, obscene, hateful, discriminating, or harmful posts.

3.2 ABSOLUTELY NO cursing or swear words.

3.3 Follow basic netiquette rules. For example, DO NOT ever type in ALL CAPS. This applies to both topic titles and the post messages, as this is considered yelling.

3.4 Never under any circumstances post personal information of anyone; pictures, or any other material. Things of this nature are sensitive and are not condoned.

3.5 After 2 Warnings - All warnings become permanent. This is to keep troublemakers from not getting the ‘penalty’ for their actions.

3.6 All warnings/bans given by the The XboxMB website’s Staff are final. XboxMB website’s staff members reserve the right to ignore any requests to modify a warning/ban.

3.7 If you are a long standing member, act like one; lead by example and assist other newer users rather than attacking them. We look upon our veteran users to use this opportunity to teach the newer users the appropriate way to conduct themselves in this community.

3.8 Personal attacks such as instigating “flame bait”, verbal abuse, mocking or ***ist remarks of members in posts are not tolerated at XboxMB. Such posts will be deleted on sight or moderated accordingly.

3.9 Members that reply to posts simply to instigate argument will be dealt with and shown no mercy.

3.10 Posts in a particular forum need to stay on topic.

3.11 No bashing or flaming affiliate(s) or relations. Current affiliates:

3.12 Pictures of yourself, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your friend, someone on the site, etc. are strictly prohibited. This includes photo albums, with pictures from Facebook, Myspace, or any other social networking site.

3.13 Misusing XboxMB’s language filter will result in appropriate action. May this be an infraction, or a ban of your account and so forth.

4.1 Use descriptive subject lines & research your post. This reduces the chances of double-posting and it also makes it easier for people to see what they do or don’t want to read.

4.2 Keep the focus. Each board has a focus on a certain topic. Questions outside the scope of a certain board will either be moved to the appropriate board, locked, or simply be deleted. Please post your topic in the most appropriate board. Users that post in the wrong board will be warned. Continuing these actions will result in a banned.

4.3 DO NOT bump topics. Doing so causes unnecessary clutter to the forum.

4.4 If you post a one-lined message such as “lol”, “+1”, etc… it is classified as SPAM and will be removed. Multiple offenses can result in all your posts needing moderator approval or a complete loss of posting rights.

5.1 Public discussions of moderator or admin actions are not allowed on the forum. It is also prohibited to protest moderator or admin actions in titles, avatars, signatures, and the chat box. If you do not like something that a moderator or admin said/did, DO NOT discuss this in the forums. If necessary, PM or email the moderator or admin and try your best to resolve the problem or difference in a private manner.

5.2 Public discussion of a Banned Member or why such user was banned is prohibited. The user either broke the rules, or was banned at the Staff’s discretion.

5.3 Staff has final say in any dispute. Moderators and Admins have been instilled with special privileges due to the trustworthiness and dedication they show to the site. All staff have the right to, without question, violate any rule herein they deem necessary for the benefit of the site. Site Administration reserves the right to grant the same privilege under extenuating circumstances to certain users. Staff have supreme authority, and as such, all grievances are to be directed to Site Administration. Any user found disregarding this is subject to account termination.

6.1 If you have a complaint about another member, problems with other members, etc., please try to resolve the problem in a personal message. If necessary, address an admin or moderator by reporting their post.

6.2 If you believe an individual is repeatedly breaking the rules, please report to one of Administrators. Repeating offenders will be banned from the forum, and further action may be taken against them.

6.3 Reporting someone’s post for an unnecessary reason, no matter what the circumstances are, is strictly forbidden. This includes reporting staff member’s posts or your own.

7.1 Regular and Diamond Members always have priority over banned members. Banned members got banned for a reason. It’s their own fault.

7.2 Banned members will be blocked from all IM services and every page on XboxMB. E-mail(s) sent from the banned user to staff members will be ignored until the ban is lifted.

7.3 XboxMB website’s staff members are not required to notify the user why he or she was banned, though we most likely will do so.

7.4 Should you be disciplined with a restriction or ban, you are not allowed to open a new account to obtain freedom to post. Restrictions and bans are given for a reason, and usurping that ability by re-registering is not tolerated. If another account is opened, that account will be banned immediately, and the original account will be further penalized. Anyone who has warnings on their account is automatically excluded from changing their user name.

8.1 We DO NOT allow members to sell, trade, give away, swap or exchange their accounts/subscriptions. If we become aware that this has happened then the new and original account holders will both be permanently banned from XboxMB.

8.2 It is down to the individual member to make sure that his/her ‘auto renewing’ subscription is cancelled correctly at the following url address,, when they no longer wish to subscribe. Please note that we DO NOT give refunds.

9.1 Although we would all like to post and leech off of shareware and illegal files such as an exploit, we can’t. NOBODY is allowed to post any links or upload any files that are meant to be purchased or have copyrights attached to them saying the file(s) cannot be distributed freely. If we see any posts or chat discussions pertaining to the distribution of illegal software and/or files, that content will be removed as soon as possible and the user will receive a ban. The length of the ban will be determined by XboxMB website’s staff and will vary depending on the volume and type of content the software or file(s) contained. The Diamond Downloads section is exempt from this rule.

9.2 Non-disclosure agreements are a legally binding contract that cover some, if not most unfinished builds of software. The company issues them to all parties involved to make sure nothing is leaked during the development phase. As much as we’d love to let you post images and such from closed betas that are under NDAs, don’t. It will get you in legal trouble.

9.3 Upon registering an XboxMB account, you agree that you will NOT reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, distribute, share or make available to any third party, modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works of or otherwise exploit for any commercial purpose or non-commercial purpose any part of the Horizon program or XboxMB server. You agree that XboxMB has the right to revoke your account and all related content if there is any suspicion of your failure to comply with the above terms.

9.4 Upon registration for an XboxMB account, you are agreeing to our terms of service. While we provide you a comfortable posting environment, all content posted here is the sole intellectual/proprietary property of the end-user unless stated otherwise. Copyrighted material is covered in the rules above. XboxMB accepts no liability for anything posted by the end-user, and any litigation resulting in anything posted is to be directed to the aforementioned user; not to XboxMB’s staff.

If you happen to violate any of the rules, the following punishments may be undertaken:

  • Edit or removal of post(s)
  • The locking or deletion of topics
  • 24 hour ban per offense
  • Edit of signature or avatar if in violation of rules
  • Increase of the Warning Level
  • All posts will require moderator approval
  • Removal of offender’s posting rights
  • Suspension of the offender’s user account
  • Ban/Deletion of the offender’s user account
  • IP Ban of the offender’s user account
  • Other punishments felt necessary by the Administrators.

Any questions, PM any staff member.


The Ranks

The ranks of XboxMB vary from Regular Member to Founder. In the spoiler below you will find all users that are in all the staff positions & other postions. I will not update Regular Members or Diamond Members as that would require an EXTREME amount of work 24/7/365. These Ranks are updated as of 1/9/2012. I will update them if major change happens and I am available to make the changes.

The Ranks

Originally posted by zrueda

List of Badges[b]Here is an updated list of all the different badges on XboxMB, and some of the ways one may obtain said badge.

This badge is for the elite four, the Horizon developers. They work on the program, Horizon.

This obtainable through showing progress and experience as a Veteran Moderator. As well as other determining factors.

Show true knowledge of moderating, and leadership as a Super Moderator.

This is chosen by the staff, as long as you follow the rules you are eligible.

This badge is for the people who stand out as an exemplary poster in the Horizon forum sections, specifically Horizon Support.

PNETS are randomly chosen members, or in some cases members that stand out for their keenness towards bug reporting.

Those with YouTubes, or forums that have a significant amount of unique visitors and are active content providers.

Follow the rules, go above and beyond community expectations. Stand out as a member, and show that you’ve contributed in ways that prove you are indeed, epic.

Win MOTM, this badge only last’s 1 month and then you must reclaim it by winning again.

The top 3 posters on the site are given this badge.

Members that signed up on before the 5th of November 2009. ( was the original home of Horizon)

Upgrade to Diamond membership, it can be found here.


Creating Your Profile

I know what you are thinking, you have a lot of interests and you want to express them to the XboxMB community and show us(other members) don’t post 5 threads in 5 minutes about your favorite band, tv shows, movies, etc. Make your profile unique with everything you like! Things you can edit to express yourself to other members (and most likely make some new friends, I have just by my Adventure Time Signature Picture) are things such as your signature, avatar, and profile picture. Out of the three things you can edit to express your ideals to other members only one of those is not on every post you make, your signature and your avatar (check under my name and under my post).


Here are a few photographs to show you where certain things are and how to change them. If you do not know how to get to these things please refer to the User Control Panel section.

First off, your profile picture is shown on your profile (this will NOT be shown on every post). It is just a cool little graphic spot for you to make your XMB wall look cooler.

Next, your Avatar is essentially your Profile Picture but you set it separately and it is shown on every post that you make.

Last but definitely not least, your signature. Think of your signature as spot for a mini post for text and photos. Your signature is where you truly can express your interests!

BB Code

BB Code is a great way to make your posts, threads, and signature look awesome! BB Code can seem very confusing for beginners because of our forum showing the code itself (some forums update it in real time without the code being shown when you are editing the post, thread, or signature. The BB Code list is a straight copy and paste from iJosh’s thread. The ONLY reason why I considered copying and pasting directly from another thread is because it is perfect as a BB code list.

BB Code

Originally posted by iJosh

Have you ever seen someone post a video, an image, or something else that you do not know how to? Well look no farther, here you will be learning how to make spoilers, post videos, images, etc. This is one of the most confused topic on XboxMB so be sure to read closely.

How to make “Centered” text, you will have to use the code:

[noparse]<div align=center>


How to make “Left” text, you will have to use this code:

[noparse]<div align=left>


How to make “Right” text, you will have to use this code:

[noparse]<div align=right>


How to make “Bold” text, you will have to use this code:


How to make “Italicized” text, you will have to use this code:


How to make “Underlined” text, you will have to use this code:


How to make an “Ordered List”, you will have to use this code:



How to make an “Unordered List”, you will have to use this code:



How to insert “Media/Videos”, you will have to use this code:


How to add a “URL”, you will have to use this code:


How to add a “Quote”, you will have to use this code:



How to add a “Code”, you will have to use this code:


How to add an “Image”, you will have to use this code:


How to add “HTML” around text, you will have to use this code:



How to add “PHP” around text, you will have to use this code:



How to add a “Spoiler”, you will have to use this code:

[noparse][details=Open Me][/details][/noparse]

How to add a “Separator”, you will have to use this code:



How to add a BB code without it appearing, also known as “No Parse”, you will have to use this code:


How to add “Colored text”, you will have to use this code:


How to add “Different sized text”, you will have to use this code:

[noparse] [/noparse]

How to add “Different font text”, you will have to use this code:


User Control Panel

The user control panel is the place to do many things such as changing you email, password, avatar, profile picture, signature, and many other various things. To learn how to access it and how to use it, please refer to the spoiler below.

[details=User Control Panel]
The User control panel is easy to use and easy to find. Simply click on “Quick links” at the top of the web browser and choose User Control Panel.

This is what is included on the list for the User Control Panel


The Thanking System

The thanking system is the XboxMB equivalent of the Reputation system on TTG. If a user makes a thread or post that you agree with and find very helpful you can thank them to show it. If you have more thanks it shows that you are a quality member who helps out the community. So go out there and help your fellow XboxMB Members out with their various issues!

[details=Thanking System]

After every post a user makes you will see this button on the bottom right:

If you click it it will give the user a Thanks in which will be added under his or her name on the left of their post and on their profile.[/details]

The Staff Members

There are quite a few staff members on the site. The staff positions range from Super Moderator to Founder(unreachable.). Staff positions can be earned overtime with hard work, determination, maturity, and of course abiding by all the rules. In the spoiler below you will find a list of all of the staff members in the color of their badges.


List of Staff Members:

Super Moderators

Eazy B
xCaLL Me Carboy

Veteran Moderators




Horizon Developers

unknown v2



Contacting the Staff

There are a couple ways of contacting a staff member. The Staff member list with a button next to each staff members name on the list with the words “Send PM”, with this button you can obviously shoot them a private message with your needs. There are other ways of contacting staff in the spoiler below.

Contacting Staff

The first way you can contact a staff member is by clicking on the “Staff Members” button at the top of the XboxMB website.

Next, click on the staff members name or the Send PM button next to their name to contact them with your question, concern, issue, or suggestion.

The Other way of contacting a staff member is simply going to the bottom of the forum and posting in the “Ask the Staff” Section with what you want to tell them. Your post in the Ask the Staff section will not be shown to others.


Wow, what a thread! I hope all of you new members who have read through this big thread of mine have gotten something out of it. If you appreciate what I have done here, you are welcome to click the “Thanks” button at the bottom right of this post. I thank anyone who has read through this for taking the time in reading and appreciating my hard work. If you have ANY questions or concerns (ex. some images are broken or something does not make sense) please feel free to contact me as I am a very friendly and helpful person to anyone who needs the help.

Thank you [b]Derek[/b] for the encouragement to make this thread!

1 Like

Done it again !


Great thread!

< 3

Great guide this will help many people out.


I was gonna make one exactly like this but Nookie said it was pointless as did other mods. Oh well nice thread anyway.

Great job, layout is great as is the information.
Nice to see some members still put the effort into making this site a better place.

Nise Post LMFAO! Awesome.

I don’t understand, we’ve had a couple of these throughout the past.

Including this one which is similar and it’s currently a pinned thread in General Discussion,|-please-read.html

Pavman’s also created a thread which was sticky-worthy, don’t see the need for yet another one. The owner of the currently stickied thread said he was a little inactive, so I was going to take ownership over his thread.

How did you NOT see this?

Updated my post. No offence intended, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying for another sticky.

We have the current one for a reason. Why we need a third one? I don’t know to be honest.

Cause it’s in 1 size font, I didn’t see it either.


Up to you, not really my problem, I’m just posting to help people out.

I agree with Uzi…

Great Post :smile:

That’s fine, I respect your efforts for attempting but I just don’t see a reasoning for another Guide.

Possibly because it’s an easy to gain sticky? We already have one.

Couldn’t care less anymore, my opinion still stands.

Well, I was told by a moderator it was a good idea and would be a good contribution so I did.

I would appreciate your opinion given somewhere else instead of the thread. The thread in the end is for helping people, not for others to give their opinions on how dumb it is to them.

Do moderators say jumping off a building is a good idea? Just saying.

No, and I do not have a mental disability so I would not jump off a building? :laughing:

I had got permission from iJosh (owner of the current stickied guide) that I could take ownership of it and keep it updated. Contacted Thor, contacted Chris. Got no reply, if I had I would have done something pretty similar. Oh well, we all know where this thread is going…