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Where is it going?

Anyway, if he did get permissions from a moderator saying it was a good idea then why is it wrong for him to post this.

If you refer to my above replies, I said how thereā€™s already multiple guides on XboxMB.

We donā€™t need yet another one.

I know that but this one is in a different section and iJoshā€™s is broken, and this one actually looks good.


Like I said on the other page, iJosh said I could take ownership of his thread and keep it updated. Unfortunately Chris and Thor didnā€™t reply to my messages which I gave them regarding the merge. Guess thatā€™s unlucky for myself, someoneā€™s now beat me to it.

Like I said above, someone replied to him and said it was a good idea. You could have asked them again.

I tried messaging Thor multiple times. I messaged Chris once at least. Just know, Iā€™m in the right here and I know what Iā€™m talking about. I should have took ownership of iJoshā€™s thread when he gave me the opportunity. But who cares.

Great thread.
Should add this to the BB Code section.

Staff clean up eh?

OT: I admit I didnā€™t read the entire thread, but it looks and very helpful to new members.

Yep, and thanks man I appreciate all the feedback you and others are giving. Iā€™m glad not everyone just trolls and complains constantly.

Yeah, me too.

I hate people who complain all the time. They need to get a life. :smile:

Iā€™m glad you understand, thank you.

Great thread!

This is just great

Why in the world is this not stickyed yet !!?

Hence the obvious, we already have a community guide.

I was going to make it, but Z said it wasnā€™t neededā€¦ lol.

oā€¦Like this one better >.<

o and off topic uzi


iJoshā€™s guide is better. :smile:

Yeah but we donā€™t need another one. Half the information is self-explanatory anyway.

If you say so, i guess

:wink: The other one has all broken images and is not updatedā€¦ Heā€™s just mad :laughing:. This is a good thread and I put time and effort into it, no reason to ***** about it.