No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Steam


Not trying to be impatient but I’m new and was just curious about how long it usually takes to update a trainer after a new update?

Need a new update… Hexite gain is currently bugged and patch doesn’t seem to want to release for it, so the crafting part would be nice to get around the bug, can we please get an compatibility update for the trainer?!

yes it dose

please update this bro

@Leesahn33, @Darkness75, @mrb45596, @Mystic_Zinja, @yakubng, @ZedaFX, @ShadowWeeaboo, @lastdreamchaser, @Deathmite & @PatientCake13.

You need to vote for an update via your WeMod desktop app. Requesting an update via this thread does not count.

  1. Open WeMod and search for the game in the search box in the top-left.
  2. Select the result in the left panel of WeMod.
  3. Click the “Request Update” button.

The more votes it has via this method then the quicker an update gets done. :slight_smile:

I know this isn’t for general questions but, so does the game not have to fill that bar up to get updated? As in fill it up with votes.

it had over 1000 votes and then it got reset. what the crap @MrAntiFun

i legit spent money to vote on it alot more then it got reset…

If you want to fix the mods you have in the game folder, go to the MODS folder that I know you have, and either rename or delete the “DISABLEMODS” file. This is the file that disabled your mods, and it’ll keep doing it after every update, and if you ever verify the files. It’s considered missing and replaceable, so the updates replace it, and bork the mods.

@lastdreamchaser When you hit the “Request Update” button, you’re greeted with a bar that fills up as people vote for it. This part you know. What might have escaped you is that little pink line in the middle. This is the threshold of the votes needed to try to get things to move faster.

However, as I’ve said before, these things take time, and this time, because it was a violent change in the code of the vanilla game, I think it’s going to take some time. It’s also important to remember that @MrAntiFun is doing this for free, on his own time. It’s important to remember that he has a life outside of this, and life always comes first.


Uh what gives it had a ton of votes and now its dropped down? I spent my tokens on those votes…

same dude i even bought more from actual money… i feel scammed @crazycoop

Did it before I came to this page, Thanks for the info though!

The little bar that you are talking about was reset for some reason

We are changing how voting works. Voting is now disabled on a game once we have tested it internally and determined rather it works or not. Games are being updated regardless of how many votes they have currently.

But your still charging money for more votes?

Voting is disabled on the game because we confirmed it isn’t working. If you are buying votes(which very few people do) then they will be on your account to use for another game.

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So no new trainer update?

@Estranged Thanks very much for the clarification, I wasn’t quite sure on how the whole thing worked. Much appreciation to the people helping out, whether its the modders or just someone who helps me feel a little less confused haha.

Welcome to the discussion @Hulkenlol