No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

@MrAntiFun will you be updating this game seeing as the new update came out today?


Hello @tanboyjay963, @LpBulldog and everyone else.

Since the game has recently updated, the trainer will also be in need of an update.
You will need to request an update via the WeMod desktop app.
This link explains how: How do I request an update for games? - WeMod Support.

At the time of this post, only 18 of the 89,699 WeMod members who play this game have requested an update for the Windows Store version. Each vote bumps a trainer higher up the trainer developer’s to-do queue. :slight_smile:

Helpful related links:

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got pro for this one game, now time to wait. How long do updates normally take?


Welcome to the community and thanks for being Pro. :slight_smile:

We do not give ETAs or status updates on trainers. There are too many factors which affect it, including but not limited to:

  • Technical things which need to be worked around.
  • The number of trainers with much more requests than this one.
  • The availability of testers.
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What happened to the request update that was there yesterday? I get on to look at the progress bar and it’s suddenly gone and the game went from Maybe Compatible to Incompatible. Was the game removed all together or is it just on my end? The Steam and GOG versions of the trainer are still there with the request update button still available.


Hey @LpBulldog. :slight_smile:

Your question was already pre-answered in advance in the related links in my previous post above, here: No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Xbox - #12 by Ravenfyre.

But I’ll also share what I posted elsewhere too:

This is why I asked the question as ths request update option was there with about 460 votes 80 of which were from me and then all of a sudden it’s gone. All the votes I put in are gone and instead of maybe comparable which is what it said before it now says Incompatible. This is odd as I’ve seen the request update option disappear before for whatever reason and then the points were refunded so we could vote on other trainers. And I don’t understand why it went from maybe compatible after the Desolation update and even though no further update has come out for windows, as I checked that as soon as I saw that it was marked Incompatible. What’s more confusing at least for me is that both the Steam and GOG versions of the trainer both still have the request update option and only the windows store seems to be affected. I even restarted my computer and reinstalled Wemod to see if it was just an issue on my end and reinstalled No Man’s Sky but nothing has changed. It was also removed from the Request tab of Wemod where it was 4th or 5th from the bottom in the request queue.

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So… is he just gonna update the steam trainer? or is everyone else that plays thru epic and windows just boned? i mean it would make sense when you update one of the 3 trainers for a game to simply go thru and update the other 2 with the the damn near same changes? just curious .-.

@Ravenfyre So I just got home from work and got on Wemod to check on it again and the request update button is back (Yay!) but all of the votes from before it got removed are still missing including the 80 that I put in 2 days go (not so yay). With the 80 votes that I put in this past monday it should have at least 460 as of the last time that I actually saw the vote value. If it was higher than that when the request option disappeared I wouldn’t be able to say.

So I just put another 284 votes for a update for this game. So if all those votes just disappear into the ether I’m gonna be pretty upset. Especially of the other 460 votes, that tons of other people used up including myself, disappear forever as well.

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The request button returned because there was a hotfix for the game roughly about just under 24 hours ago.

The previous request update button was to request an update for V2.6 of the game. The current request update button is to request an update for the newer V2.61 update released a few hours ago.

That’s understandable and I am glad that the button is back so we can request it again, but as I stated above the Steam and GOG versions did not have this issue to begin with and and all of the votes for the V2.6 update are just gone. None of them were returned (at least not to me) and they weren’t reapplied to the new V2.61. If they had the trainer would have over 800 votes at this point. At the very least Wemod should have returned the votes to the people who had voted on the previous version so that they could vote again on the new on or vote on whatever else they may have wanted. It takes a long bloody time to save up those votes and for them to just disappear into the ether and for nothing to be done to fix it is not cool. I would assume that there is some administrative way to see what votes went where and from who as I have had used votes returned before when a trainer was cancelled outright before (I believe it was Forza Horizon 4 if I’m not mistaken).

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The No Man’s Sky cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

I am currently using your trainer, but the toggles will not stay in the on position, am I doing something wrong?

Welcome to the community @SylentJoker, and thanks for being Pro. :slight_smile:

The trainer was updated five days ago, so it should be working fine, as long as your copy of the game is legitimately purchased from Windows Store and is up to date.

Under the Play button in the trainer is another button labelled “History”. Click this and make sure the most recent trainer in the list is selected. :slight_smile:

which mods aren’t working?

and are you using the correct version for your game? j/c

Thanks for the response. that was the issue.

most of the mods dont seem to be working im playing the windows store version but none of the unlimited money cheats and other stuff seems to not work any idea why?

I’m playing the Steam Version, so maybe I am posting in the wrong place. There was an update to the game today - Origins (v3.0) and several of the option can no longer be enabled, such as Unlimited Health, Super Jetpack Speed and Unlimited Stamina.

Welcome @RobinSiebler. :slight_smile:

Yes, you are posting in the wrong place. This is the thread for the Windows Store trainer, not the Steam trainer. Never mind, though.

See this post here: No Man's Sky Cheats and Trainer for Steam.