Northgard Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This game is already on the Queue to be updated. Go over to the desktop wemod app and vote for it by using your boosters. To use the boosters, click on the >>> next to the title. You can see how much boosters you have (if you’re pro) by looking at the upper right corner of this queue.

Hope that helps!


Thx. Sorry i don’t PRO(((

The Northgard cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Thanks a lot!
It’s running flawlessly w

the trainer works but it literally destroys the game, buildings burn villagers starve ,freeze and get sick also the Ai doesn’t expand or fight back.

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Can confirm; it seems that status updates like starving, freezing and sickness does not update well even after gaining sufficient food. Tried turning off the cheats to let the game recognise the new values: did not work as well.

Have you tried updating both the game and the trainer? I’m running the latest version of both, and the game works great for me. None of that “destroy the game” business.



Hi Fibby, maybe you can try turning on only the wood and krown cheats first, then when the food runs out and your villagers start starving then you turn on the food cheat. If that works to remove the starvation debuff, do update here please. Thanks!

Ah, i tried it as you suggested. If the food surplus is positive, the starving debuff would go away on its own. But if it’s negative, the starving debuff would persist, regardless whether the unlimited food is enabled or not.

However, I’m still able to repair buildings, and other things aren’t an issue- sick, freezing etc (unless you have so many unhappy people that it just snowballs down from there, which is more of a game mechanic matter than a trainer issue.)

Simple solution- enable the food cheat as soon you start a new game, and the above issues won’t be an issue.


Haha yep seems like that the only way to play (with cheats) currently. I do agree that repairing buildings isn’t an issue; only starving villagers are buggy.

The food surplus relation is new to me. Thanks for pointing that out!

Stingerr no quiero incordiar pero tengo ambos lados actualizados tanto el entrenador como nothgard pero los trucos no funcionan ni en el modo comun de escaramuza y tampoco en el modo conquista, anteriormente antes del parche del clan del linze funcionaba perfecto en ambos modos pero actualmente solo funciona la velocidad y lo otro no, repito tengo ambas cosas actualizadas. Espero una respuesta y lamento las molestias

Since silver bars are only for cosmetics, could you make a silver bar cheat? Not sure if you can but would be nice. :stuck_out_tongue:

How about an explanation on how to enable cheats in game?

I usually start the game up, and then as soon the game loaded (not during the loading screen), I activate the game cheats.

Or is your question asking how to use the wemod trainer in general?


Ya hice eso muchas veces y solo funciona el de velocidad

Hello! I have been having a problem with activating the cheats where all the resources dont max out but just remain stuck to the current number that I have. Any solutions?

While in the game world, did you try waiting a few minutes after activating the cheats? I usually load the game world, press esc to wait/pause, alt-tab out to wemod to start the cheats, and then jump back in game and resume. It usually switch to 9999 after a few moments.


You’re right
My trainer is not working anymore since yesterday’s minipatch (03.07).

Yeah. I tried that, didnt seem to work :frowning: