Northgard Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This is because of the ridiculous system Wemod has implemented for the updating of trainers. You know that stupid little popup you get after you shut the game down, that asks you with a smiley or sad face, if you were happy with the trainer? That apparently only pops up when the Wemod application detects a version difference between the game and the version that the trainer is designed to work with. If the Wemod app doesn’t recognise that there’s a difference in versions, then there’s no way to queue the Trainer for an update. It can’t be added by us manually anymore, and apparently nobody at Wemod actually monitors these forums very well, or it’d be added by now. I asked the question why it was this way in another post, and the moron staff member that replied, didn’t even bother reading my question properly, before giving me a copy and pasted reply. You get what you pay for apparently. This one has needed an update for a good long while now, but was never a great trainer to begin with to be fair. Otherwise it’d have a few more options, instead of just the bare minimum like it does.

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really and you say it we pay for it so why dont we get the right for a update frrom some trainerrs we plaly and use and by the i neverr saw any smiles or anything like this

чит не работает обновите пожалуйста
cheat don`t work update pleas(sry for my bad eng)

Please update. Thank you

It’s in the queue now, thankfully.

The Northgard cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Conquest Co-op Bug:

Danke für das Update, aber bei der Eroberung kann man nicht mehr zusammen mit den Mods spielen. Kann das vielleicht noch gelöst werden? Vielen Dank in Voraus.

Der Mitspieler erhält keine Rohstoffe. Alle Rohstoff Zahlen sind auf 999999, aber kann keine Rohstoffe einsetzen.

Currently playing and everytime I use unlimited food. I give me unlimited as intented but makes all my citizens starving and decreases my happiness by a load… so don’t know if this is a bug or intented but please make it normally.

That has been addressed before. That’s the game thing, not the trainer thing.

My suggestion: as soon the game start, turn on the unlimited food right away, before it goes into the negative. If it was in the negative (while the villagers are starving) and you turned it on, they will stay with the starving debuff.

To combat that, turn on the unlimited while the food surplus is in the positive, and it will remain that way.


I was just wondering if this mod will still be updated after the Clan of the Squirrel Update? It’s no longer working when I use it.

Same here. Mod not working with the new updates.

Same, no longer working

dsnt work anymore

As always, it takes time after an update. Please see Northgard Cheats and Trainer for Steam - #45 by Ravenfyre?

Waited until the world loads and then hit play. I know it registered because the fast forward works perfectly. The resources are the only issue :confused:
Despite the resources not working the fast forward is VERY nice and making me able to play the game a little more instead of waiting.
When it is updated any way we could get an unlimited Iron and stone? please?
Keep up the great work!


My game shut down when I use the trainer

unlimited iron & stone is needed plz
when could we get the new version mod(suit for this Clan of the Squirrel Update)

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Can someone please boost this game’s update. Its annoying that updates have to follow this stupid queue system. I just I want the resource cheats to work again.


Yo, i’ve just boosted it like 70 times, please guys use ur boosts. The trainer does not work at all…

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Its been #3 and #4 in the que for days, meanwhile i see the list of “recently completed” games getting more and more games added to it each day…the que is bullshit.

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