I’ve been waiting so long now that I started looking for other ones that do work…
Makes me sad how long this que takes
are there any others that work?
would it be possible to add more options? set value of resources (current + stone and iron?), god mode?
adding the amount you need in this case would be better than not always the unlimited is good for just freezing what you already have, but there are times when it stops working!
30th May: At the moment, enabling the Unlimited Food, wood or Krown just stop it depleting. So it works different. Just enable any one of them when your inventory of food, wood or krown is going in the negative and it will stop. It’s a bit more micro but it does help while a fix is updated.
When I was playing without the cheats I noticed that my healers did nothing to help so you could add infinite hp or a instant heal.
The Northgard cheats have been updated!
- Unlimited Stone cheat added
- Unlimited Iron cheat added
- Unlimited Military XP cheat added
Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!
Ill try it out right now and see if there are any issues. Thank you for the update, been waiting on this.
I’m not seeing the new options. It looks like it is going to load, but then it defaults back to the old cheats. EDIT-- by choosing the last option in the history I got them to come up. Something wonky there
Unlimited stone and iron cheat did not work for some reason but everything else seems to be working fine.
Same issue as BEFORE the update. the speed works however the resource still doesn’t work
you’re absolutly right yung, I did not. Thank you
Using the newest version and the stone cheat doesn’t seem to work.
Hello everyone… the new version works great!
Only issue I have found is that one must build a mine for iron and stone each and assign a miner. Once the first bit is mined, the cheat seems to kick in and it goes to max.
Great work STiNGERR, thank you
Of course, a Marketplace can also be built: allow one stone and one iron to appear… buy them, then you are at unlimited amounts!
im having a small problem with the unlimited food cheat, it drops me to 0 food making everyone starve and dropping my happiness before it maxes my food and the cheat kicks in, however the happiness is still at around -8 so i can progress until i actually make up the food.
all cheats with Unlimited **** not working anymore after today update.
Game speed is working only
Cheats not working as of 20th July 2021. the current build is We mod is updated till 2.5.1 so we may need to wait for sometime.
They worked just fine till the 7 july balancing patch.
Now i’m sad. Used this to relax in single player skirmishes.
And northgard is slipping lower on the update queue :c