PAYDAY 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

My cheats aren’t loading into the game either. I believe its because I run ultimate edition as it worked sometime before I bought it.

I do have the latest steam version of the game. No, I own all the dlcs. I do have a couple mods installed though, could that interfere somehow?

I just updated my mods and it seems to have fixed the problem, so I’m all good now.

If you use BLT. Or any other mod that change the files of the game.

Yes it will.

Edit: Good you got it working

So I can’t use the trainer at all if I have BLT? Shame because I likes the HUD I was using :frowning:

Sorry bud, but you would have to choose

why not add fly? or noclip or something like that.

Really need a way to carry more bags with this trainer :slight_smile:

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Hey, I got an issue, each time I finish some mission the game freezes and closes, does this happen to anyone else or how can I fix it in case its just me

Happens to me too mate, I only usually select invisible, thought it was 1 of the others that i used, but no even invisible on it’s own crashes my game, i think infinity needs an update ( game )

Hope they see this soon and fix it cause its really exhausting to be getting into the game each time it crashes

add a bag spawner and fix your speed hack

There is something wrong with the ‘Add 100 Skill Points’ because when i use it and then go off the game and come back on or start a heist all my skills are reset even the ones i had before activating the cheat.

The game crashes after activating the cheat (anyone) so please fix if you can

So whenever I try to do the money cheats it doesnt add any money plz help

I don’t use any hud mod trainer or any kind of anything. I also haven’t use any other cheat of infinity but the money ones, the ones I’m interested in. And I can’t for the live of me make it work, it does make the sound but it doesn’t add anything. I did during heist, in menu, followed every advise mentioned in the forum. Nothing seems to do it.

Hi is it possible to make this trainer work on a cracked version please?

Wemod does not support cracked games.
Only way it might work is if you have the latest version.

But in this post that I’ve linked it says that if Infinity can not find your game installation to speak to the author so they can add support for your game’s folder structure.

It would be too much work to add support for every version. Buy the game if you want it to work.